Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Monday, December 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    Looking for new blood
    It all started with a meeting.

    Super powers from the supernatural world met to discuss the Gates of Hell in York, PA--and the prophecies that point to them opening very, very soon. The place was already a hotbed of activity, full of vampires, far too many reapers, and werewolves. Then they began to arrive, the soldiers for the battle, both good and evil. Harry Dresden and a vampire bodyguard. A demon, almost older than anything we can conceive of. Dean Winchester. A newly-ensouled vampire hung up on Buffy Summers. Faith Lehane, fresh out of jail. Eric Northman, up from Louisiana at the behest of his Queen. And they took up the fight to balance the scales between good and evil, death and life.

    Which side will you take?

    Blood Red Sky is an OC-friendly RPG based on the worlds of Supernatural, Buffy/Angel, the Vampire Chronicles/Lives of the Mayfair Witches, True Blood, The Dresden Files and the Anita Blake Series. We're looking for a few good (or evil, whichever floats your boat) characters to round out our roster. Most wanted character types include witches, weres and shifters, but you are not limited to that.


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    Reality Crisis: A Panfandom game

    Reality CrisisOOCMod Journal

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    Opening in January 2012

    Many believe that there is only one world. Only one reality.

    Many are wrong.

    There are many realities. Many possibilities. Worlds where things we believed were mere fiction are alive and well. These "fictions" aren't always happy to know the truth, and sometimes neither are their so-called creators.

    So what happens when these realities collide? When fiction turns to reality, and the creations have a will of their own?

    Our story is set in a post-apocalyptic world, in which the fictions are indeed real and do just as they please. The human race has been all but obliterated as the realities collide. Many of these humans have come together behind high fortified walls, attempting to safe guard against monsters and unbelievable forces. There are cracks that allow the "fictional" heroes and villains to fall through, and there is a prophecy that hints that these newcomers could be the salvation or the damnation, not just of one particular reality but all of them.

    Reality Crisis is a multi-fandom game accepting most action/adventure, horror, fantasy, and sci-fi fandoms.

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