Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

    Time Event

    Esplanade Avenue


    A New Orleans Supernatural Game.
    V:tM Vampires, Anita Blake Weres, & Merry Gentry Fae.









    When a bloody recording in 2003 revealed to the world the possibility of vampires existing amongst them, people weren’t sure how to react. When mutilated bodies in 2005 began showing up and the killer—something like a wolf—turned into a man, the world was officially shaken, disgusted, and horrified. When a resident psychologist at a sanitarium was attacked by one of her human patients through an unnatural explanation in 2008, no one knew how to view their neighbors anymore. And when in 2009 a known actress was revealed not to be a miniature human with wings but instead a full blown beauty with unknown powers, everyone else had officially gone from confused to panic at the new world around them.

    Esplanade Ave takes place right inside New Orleans, Louisiana, which has turned into a surprising hotspot for all supernatural. A battle for equality is constantly going on in this new world, and supernatural creatures and human beings reside on both sides. Are you for it? Are you against it? How is this world going to react to change?

    It is entirely up to you. ---- GAME NOW OPEN!


    The Flying Dutchman
    a panfandom au rpg

    . 5 star luxury cruise liner . PREMISE . plush spacious guest rooms . RULES . sea monster . TAKEN . pirates . HOLDS . olympic sized pool & hot tub . APPLY . ghost crew . ROOMS . star gazing deck . FAQ . vast deserted islands . AMENITIES . extra spending money provided .


    When given the choice, which path would you take?

    Winthrop is just your average town, not far from Boston, Massachusetts. To everyone who lives there, it’s just your normal home. There isn’t anything special about the town, nothing out of the ordinary. There are schools and jobs and your neighbor Helen down the street, but little do the townspeople know, there’s trouble brewing right underneath their noses.

    Veridian wants control of all things supernatural. Scratch that, he wants control over all things period. Good. Evil. Supernatural and Human alike. He’s got his own money to burn and a lot of high bidders willing to back him on his mission. He smooth talks and has a way about him that’ll make you think that if you help him, he’ll help you. But does he have what it takes to take the reigns or will he be overthrown before he succeeds in his efforts? A war between good and evil is spiraling beyond control and still the people of Winthrop sleep soundly and completely unaware.

    So where do you play your part? Will you side with Veridian or are you more virtuous? Are you completely in the dark, living your life as though nothing is happening?

    Come join us at Winthrop Divided and let your path be revealed.
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