March 2012



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Mar. 22nd, 2012


End of February Game Summary

Feb 16-29 Game Summary

Feb 16 - 21 )

Feb 22 - 26 )

Feb 27 - 29 )

Dave in the future threads )

I love you all! So many threads! You guys are awesome. Alright changes, errors, I miss something? Let me know.

~~Mini-modly Dragon

Feb. 27th, 2012


Early February Game Summary

Feb 1-7 )

Feb 8-15 )


Okay this is everything up to the game-changing storm. There were incompletes in here and some lost tags so everyone please check it out and make sure everything is up to date.

From this point forward I'm going to try to do these every 2 weeks. Please make sure to complete threads within 2 weeks of posting them to help me keep up. ^_^

~~Mini-Mod Dragon

Feb. 13th, 2012


December Summary!

Dec 1 - 7 )

Dec 8 - 14 )

Dec 15 - 20 )

Dec 21-31 )

There's an awful lot of incomplete tags here. Please just put up a brief summary tag of what happened and then mark complete. Let me know in a message here and I'll mark them complete. I'm also seeing alot of missing warnings. If it says TBD please update the warnings and then drop me a line and I will edit them.

Jan. 22nd, 2012


November 1 - 7 )

November 8 - 14 )
November 15 - 21 )
November 16 - 30 )

Alright November done ^_^ Let me know if I missed anything. (they work now! Stupid ij not recognizing my quotes are quotes.)

Sep. 27th, 2011


Game Summary 9/4-9/10

Here is the first full week of September. I'll hopefully be current on these by the weekend. As always, if I missed anything just let me know. That includes broken or incorrect links. :)

Artie has an unpleasant night and later helps in Tina babysit. In another part of town, Kurt and Blaine break up.

Artie has another episode; the Hudmels have a Labor Day family BBQ where Finn's not happy with Kurt, brotherly fighting ensues. A Puckerman family dinner is without cheese dogs; Finn sends emails to various people, including Quinn, Artie and Mercedes. Artie texts Brittany and then goes to talk to Santana. Santana texts Brittany to talk about Artie. Later, Puck texts Artie about school and Santana texts Dave about breaking up.

Artie's morning doesn't start well. Quinn tattles on Lizzie and has class with Artie. Lizzie pays for her academic misconduct. Matt texts Rachel (about kissing) and Sam (about superheroes). Blaine starts his first day at McKinley with music class with Puck, Sam and Mercedes. There is a lame school assembly and New Directions holds auditions. Santana and Kurt don't bend that way, and Dave emails Kurt his story. Quinn and Matt email about shirts, and Santana and Finn text about Lizzie.

Artie has more morning pains and texts Tina (and also the Brainiacs about a meeting. The Brainiacs replace Brittany. Puck heads to Blaine's for rehearsing, but ends up with a sexual identity crisis. Rachel texts Matt for some "bonding" time.

It's another sleepless night for Artie and Puck and Blaine have a morning after. Tina texts Mike needing a change of clothes while Puck defends Blaine from a slushy attack. Cas is in the auditorium where Dave "saves" him from Blaine. Puck texts Kurt for advice while Abigail has a study group with the Algebra II slackers. Brittany performs before New Directions has a meeting, and Puck gets that Advice from Kurt. Tina has ghosts, Dave texts Kurt, and Mercedes and Lizzie have a confrontation. Tina delivers Artie's homework, and Rachel and Matt explore their "friendship".

Abigail suffers her mother's verbal attack, Artie freaks out ND with his screaming, Finn texts Puck about being "different" and also emails Rachel about being friends and Kurt about "ice cream". Lisa and Dave are badasses, Jaime and Kurt bond, Quinn and Tina email about hair-dye, Puck emails the dudebros about helping him serenade someone, and Puck and Kurt both change their Facebook relationship status. Puck wants to touch base with Blaine, Dave has dirty plans for Kurt, and Quinn is another who changes her Facebook status. Cas bakes Dave some treats, and sexy times ensue. Quinn wants to double date with Brittany, Sam visits Artie after the incredible football game and then text flirts with Kurt. Fuinn IM about their relationship, Tina texts Mercedes and Mike during the game.

Finn and Quinn go one a picnic, and Quinn defends her boyfriend from Abigail, which Finn shares with Santana. Cas and Brittany play with plants, Blaine wakes up alone, Finn asks Brittany for dance lessons, Lisa pisses off her mother, a bunch of people got to Columbus and Santana has a party which Tike skips as do Bartie.

Sep. 4th, 2011


Game Summary 8/24 - 9/3

Aug 24
- Dave and Santana arrive to escort Kurt to the first day of school, Bully Whips style. [Warning: some mention of self-harm]{Complete}
- Matt has returned to McKinley and runs into Puck and later Dave. {Complete}
- Kurt and Puck have an odd IM conversation.{Complete}
- Artie has a problem, Dave offers to help. {Complete}
- Rachel and Finn discuss the break-up. {Complete}
- Quinn welcomes Matt home in an e-mail. {Complete}
- Santana gets her groove Cheerios position back. [Warning: Sue Sylvester, alludes to disordered eating.] {Complete}

Aug 25
- Puck starts his birthday out right with Santana and Finn {Complete}
- Tina has a run-in with the hockey neanderthals, Santana does her Bully Whip thing. {Complete}
- Kurt emails Finn and Sam with a plan. An evil, evil plan. {Complete}
- Kurt tries subterfuge through texting, but Santana won't have it. {Complete}
- Puck texts Lauren with a proposition to join the Bully Whips. {Complete}
- Kurt and Mercedes have lunch and some gossip. {inComplete}
- Brittany is lost and Artie helps her find her way. {Complete}
- Dave is being emo, Brittany cheers him up. {Complete}
- Dave is scared to stay at home, so Artie lets him sleep over. {Complete}
- Brittany and Lizzie catch up at the diner. {Complete}

Aug 26
- Dave and Tina chat during art class. {Complete}
- Lizzie leaves Finn a present, which Quinn then destroys. {Complete}
- Kurt blackmails his way onto the Cheerios. {inComplete}
- Dave teaches Kurt the fine arts of self-defense while Puck and Sam supervise. {Complete}
- Finn and Santana hit up Breadstix before the game. {inComplete}
- Dave texts Kurt with a request. {Complete}
- McKinley Titans beat the Dalton football team. {Complete}
- Dave shows up at Kurt's after the game so he doesn't have to go home to an empty house. {Complete}

Aug 27
- Quinn and Brittany go doggie shopping. {inComplete}
- Kurt gives Puck a makeover, Finn & Sam come along to laugh supervise. {Complete}
- Puck has a party, and shit goes down. Including but not limited to: Quinn/Finn kisses, spin the bottle, Suckurtofsky cuddling, zombie penguins, Santana not killing Rachel and Kurt sleeping in the bathtub. {Complete}

Aug 28
- Quinn formally introduces Matt and Sam at Church {Complete}
- After a journal entry, Artie and Brittany have Chemistry (tutoring). {Complete}
- Matty and Santana get their tan on. {inComplete}

Aug 30
- Puck and Lauren discuss their relationship--or lack of one. {Complete}
- Artie gives Puck a belated birthday present. {Complete}
- Tina helps a lost Puck. {Complete}
- New Directions has their first official meeting. {Complete}
- Santana and Dave get jiggy with it. [Warning: adult content] {inComplete}

Aug 31
- Abigail talks to Artie about joining the Academic Decathalon. {Complete}
- Abigail's first Fashion Club meeting is a disaster, until Kurt comes along to play Prince Charming. {inComplete}
- Puck and Finn play video games study. {Complete}
- Everything with Dave goes to shit. {Complete}
- Dave does something drastic. [Warning: Depicts suicide attempt] {Complete}
- Matt offers to beat Dave up for being an ass. {Complete}
- Sam and Puck check on Dave & get him to the hospital. [Warning: Images of self-harm] {Complete}
- Finn texts Puck & Santana to get updated on Dave.{Complete}
- Tina texts Santana for the same reason. {Complete}

Sept 1
- Santana, Kurt and Sam wait on news of Dave. [Warning: mention of self-harm] {Complete}
- Puck is a zombie at school and Brittany offers comfort. [Warning: mentions of past self-harm] {Complete}
- Kurt texts a bunch of people with updates. {Complete}
- Kurt mother-hens his boys. [Warning: Discussion of self-harm] {Complete}
- Brittany checks on Santana. {inComplete}

Sept 2
- Lizzie gets a nasty surprise in English class. {Complete}
- Quinn checks in on Puck through text message.{Complete}
- The Titans win their second football game of the season. {Complete}
- Quinn congratulates Finn on the game, but is still mad at him. {Complete}

Sept 3
- Lizzie checks with Santana before going to Matt's part. {Complete}
- Puck wants to play a prank on Kurt and recruits the bros to help. {Complete}
- The Bros (Kurt, Puck, Sam, Dave and Artie) go to Captain Jack's for the day. {inComplete}
- Matt warns Puck about the brownies. {Complete}
- Dave checks with Rachel to see if he can stay there for a few days. {Complete}
- Matt has a victory party! With ~special~ brownies. {inComplete}
- Artie and Brittany enjoy each other instead of the party. {inComplete}