Posts Tagged: 'player:+lis'

Jun. 14th, 2022



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Hello! Lis here with my second and I would like to formally apologize to everyone already for the Honorable Miss Hyacinth Bridgerton. She is here to annoy the heck out of her siblings and have some fun out of sight from her ever-watchful Mama (see why she will be annoying her siblings because they have the audacity to ruin her fun). Finding an appropriate match is somewhere on the list, but she isn't holding her breath. There hasn't been anyone who meets her lengthy requirements and by her own admission she can be quite annoying.

She is enthusiastic in pretty much everything and isn't afraid to hold her tongue or share her opinion. As the baby of the family there was a certain amount of leeway for her. She saw all of her siblings' foibles and learned from them. To a degree. Ish. Maybe? Jury's still out.

Hyacinth is missing her friends Felicity Featherington and more importantly Gregory, the only missing Bridgerton and the one she is closest to. But in the meantime please point her in the direction of the Regency Frat bros so she can make herself at home.

(She is in stark contrast to my other character, Georgiana Darcy over at [info]docile who is quite shy and can be found in the library or music room most often. She tries to not have a harsh word for anyone, save maybe Lydia Bennet.)

Apr. 25th, 2022



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