June 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

Just realized I forgot to intro... sorry for those of you not on Discord!

This is Jules with my 5th. And this is Miss Kate Sharma of Bridgerton S2 (but my intention is to pepper in a little Kate Sheffield canon too as we go).

Her canon point is the morning of Aubrey Hall when the party is departing. She insists they leave before Anthony has a chance to propose. Kate did arrive with Edwina, but for fairness to anyone who wants to pick her up, Lady Whistledown has sent Edwina back to London and Kate is now alone. And she's been sulky about it. And now Anthony Bridgerton is here and nearly every Bridgerton in the country. Can she find no peace?

Anyway, she's feeling a bit down on herself and she's being trapped here in Summerview Park for her sins. She can be sassy and fun, and would love to form friendships! She's not actually interested in courtship because she's already in love with - because she intends to remain a spinster, and go home to India.

Also, I have Caroline Bingley (who is Kate's twin :O!), Captain Wentworth, Catherine Morland, and Tom Bertram if you want anything with them too! Logs plssss!