June 7th, 2022





Hello lovelies! First of all, thanks once again for making this a fun game that I really enjoy modding. Thanks specifically to organization deity Jeanne for being so helpful and helping organize discord channels and spreadsheets. I am not good (I originally typed god here so that's how gr8 I am) at them, Jeanne is, we all appreciate everything about them <33

1st update: On the June Calendar there have been a couple updates. We pushed the play performance back to June 23 and shuffled a few things around so more characters could post ICly about it. There are also 3 plots associated with the play open, please claim those! There was an additional plot added June as well because apparently doing calendars at 1am means you mess up. OOPS! BUT there are some great plots open, please respond here or on the calendar to claim some of these fun ones!

2nd: Please be sure to respond to all intros. Not everyone is on discord or can check often, so be sure everyone feels welcomed by responding. If you wanna link to a CDJ where you do a quick summary of each character so you don't have to type it each time and then respond with how each might interact with a new character that might make it easier. We want new people to feel welcome and they have lines. That said, please feel free to poke me if you want any extra plot or need ideas. I don't bite I promise!

Drop a gif so I know you read all this mess ;)