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[28 Jan 2010|10:50am]
I'm looking for an over 30 male, not particular on the face, for a darker line at [info]rogerebert. Crazy or weird would be a good requirement for this character, so he could bond with my character's weirdness. Also, a New Orleans native would be ideal. And perhaps drug use, along the lines of "using drugs can get you in with the spirits" kind of thing. Voodoo, magic, all that great stuff would be included in this line. All is up for negotiations, of course.
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[28 Jan 2010|11:02am]
[info]sfbayarea! In need of a Lea Michele and a Mark Salling for epic bff lines and to work in the radio station!!!!!!
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[28 Jan 2010|03:26pm]
I know it's a long shot but came across some Dark Angel material today and now I'm craving it.

It wouldn't need to be canon, something set in that universe would be divine. If you haven't seen it, it's essentially about a group of genetically engineered soldiers who escaped as children into a dystopian future.

aim: skeletalxdecay.
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[28 Jan 2010|04:04pm]
Zoe Saldana to [info]deathechos (a supernatural community), please. I have a storyline in mind, though I'll offer other suggestions too.
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[28 Jan 2010|07:14pm]
I was just wondering if anyone would want to mun Rose Weasley against Scorpius Malfoy (PB Boyd Holbrook) on [info]proviseur? I'd be terribly thankful! If you're interested PM me or comment here!
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[28 Jan 2010|09:21pm]
[info]sfbayarea Glee faces (particularly Matthew Morrison and Jayma Mays to be their bosses, Lea Michele for an ex-fiance, Mark Salling, Chris Colfer (Glee faces, etc. ) FBR faces, anyone. No examples, just a quality biography required!
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[28 Jan 2010|09:25pm]
again, looking for a mila kunis for a comm line!
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[28 Jan 2010|10:52pm]
[info]lakecityhigh Looking for THE FUTURE FRAT GUY and THE TOMBOY. More information in this journal and in the premade descriptions in the community.
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[28 Jan 2010|11:12pm]
psls anyone? slash only please.
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