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[27 Jan 2010|12:52am]
Looking for a Randy Blythe or Chad Gray for a het SL?
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[27 Jan 2010|08:00am]
Looking for a few new lines. I was hoping for older/younger themed lines - older guy/younger girl, older woman/Younger guy. I would play the older or younger female. Please check my journal for who I play. 

Also I had an idea with a couple who has an affair, when he falls for her he decides to surprise her and visits her at home just to find out she's married with kids. Will they still have a chance?
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[27 Jan 2010|11:46am]
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[27 Jan 2010|01:36pm]
The Bad Mother's Handbook
I've just finished reading the book and have seen the movie several times and I would like to fo a roleplay taking place at the end of the movie but also having incorporated some of the book, set right after Charlotte and Daniel kiss. We could go further with their relationship, focus on how they deal with Charlotte's new baby, moving on through school and college and being together, etc.

I'd like to play Charlotte. So I'm looking for a Daniel.

I love that character, think he's adorable and I love Robert Pattinson so I think this could be really fun. I really enjoyed the story.

Please reply here if interested! Comments are screened.
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[27 Jan 2010|03:13pm]
check it
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[27 Jan 2010|05:52pm]
This is most definitely a long shot but are there any Josh Groban writers out there who would allow their boy to be owned by an older woman in a psl for a while? The Josh is a required part of the scene for me but I'm entirely flexible on the rest. It would probably be a darker storyline, with themes of questionable consent and control, maybe even in an office setting.

Any takers?

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