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[10 Jul 2009|01:13am]
[info]darknocturne thousands of women (and one gay Irishman) are man-less. do it for the children.
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[10 Jul 2009|04:58am]
Could I get a Shane Gelinas or a T. Mills for this Melissa Marie in a pb psl?

I want to use journals for spamming each other, kws, mixtapes, and the like and AIM for scening and iming each other, twitters too I think would be cute. But don't worry I don't want this to be completely fluffy or anything like that, I love my fair dose of drama and angst going on. Also I think it'd be cool to have it centered around a tour setting, warped tour kind of thing, but that's just one idea.

Anyway, if interested please comment (here or in the journal) or send a pm :)
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[10 Jul 2009|03:23pm]
lines in my journal, please
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[10 Jul 2009|07:16pm]
[info]arigolden  brandon novak for a line, it doesn't have to be romantic, she just needs her blue eyed boy! I'm willing to help out with whatever you need! History, info, journal, icons. Anything.
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[10 Jul 2009|11:03pm]
Would anyone be up for playing WentWorth Miller for me in a storyline? I will play anyone in return for you. IM me at "rumsoakedpirates"
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[ viewing | July 10th, 2009 ]
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