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[09 Jul 2009|02:22am]
Looking for a few things.

1. I would love to find someone who plays a mature Shannon Leto for a Letocest like with my Jared. PSL is cool or a community if you know one that would accept them.

2. Looking for someone who plays Tomo Milicevic for a possible PSL or going to a community.

3. Looking for someone mature who isn't a flake that celebs a slashy Tom Sturridge. Prefer someone who isn't shy when it comes to darker story lines. Also, someone who might be willing to go to a community and be part of story line. I'll give details to anyone interested.
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hermione seeking ron [09 Jul 2009|11:50am]
need a RON WEASLEY asap
contact ALCIA (aim: shadowboxrrbaby) for more info
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[09 Jul 2009|02:27pm]
I'd love to see Angelina Jolie as my girl's boss in an organization that puts on vampire pride events around the world in [info]darknocturne. Everything we need is here.
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[09 Jul 2009|08:47pm]
Can I get an sl for this girl?
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[ viewing | July 9th, 2009 ]
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