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[21 Jan 2009|12:23am]
This is probably a long shot, but would anyone be interested in doing a PSL off Law & Order (the current season?) Specifically something between Cutter and Lupo? They have such great chemistry and tension in the series. Comment to my journal or PM if you'd like to trade ideas.
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brother wanted! [21 Jan 2009|02:40am]
for the game Deceptive Perception [info]deceptpercep.

He's a born vampire, their family is royalty and the whole world's about to implode. Their family has a history of eliminating one another, but Lydia trusts him (whether this is a good idea or a very bad one is up to you).

They could be twins if that's a twist you'd be interested in- twins being a bit uncommon with vampire families.

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Fugitives: A Volume Four Heroes RPG [21 Jan 2009|12:26pm]
After the events of March 29th, 2007 our Heroes are disheartened, spread across the U.S., and quickly losing their numbers. And to make matters worse, one of their own was working up a plan that would sacrifice his peers to better himself. As if that weren't enough, someone is out there with malicious intent toward people who are "special". Someone is hunting and rounding up anyone with abilities. No one knows who the hunter is or where the hunter comes from. And no one knows where their peers are going. Will opposing sides find allies in each other to end this menace, or will they do as they always have and serve only themselves and their own purposes? Only time will tell... and time is something they're running out of.

heroesfugitives fugitives_mod fugitives_ooc

Game Opens on January 30th, 2008! Now Accepting Applications!

HeroesFugitives will run parallel to Volume 4 of the series starting from March 30th, 2007 (after episode 3.13 Dual) and run in real time. We will be mostly AU from there, but will incorporate some of the events that take place in the rest of season 3 with our game.
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[21 Jan 2009|12:35pm]
I use Jon Stewart as a PB for a Harry Potter MWPP-6th year game on insanejournal. He is a professor at Hogwarts, and I'm looking for other professors to keep him company, make friends and enemies with, and for a romantic storyline (or two!). I'm down for anything, so please comment to me if you're interested!

Here's my Ad! )
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[21 Jan 2009|12:43pm]
This is totally random, but I'm dying from a cold right now and it would totally make my life to write some kind of Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert line. AIM and/or threading is fine, long-term please, and things like spelling and detail are musts. I can play either one. Comment if interested!
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[21 Jan 2009|02:37pm]
WANTED: High school storyline with a Southern California setting or a Gossip Girl storyline. Storyline must accept real played-bys, meaning someone who isn't a celebrity.

NOTES: Experienced roleplayer with many characters from different genres. Will create new roleplay group if others are interested.
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