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looking for intrigue-savvy vampire nobility... [12 Jan 2009|01:29am]

-Anyone up for playing a vampire almost-prince in a family where his sisters will be the ones inheriting the family estate? He's also possibly a twin to my pup if you want to go with that. He could be a good-time party boy... or a driven and calculating political type. His younger sister here would love to have him around, as she depends on him- whether or not that's a good idea is up for debate. Their relationship might even be unhealthily close...?
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[12 Jan 2009|09:59pm]
does anyone want a psl with haylie duff? it wouldn't have to be an relationship sl, i just missed writing and i really want something cute.
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[12 Jan 2009|10:25pm]
I'd love a slash line for my Jason Schwartzmann PB. I have a few ideas, and I'm up for brainstorming. One-liner writers and those under 18 need not apply. I can be found at moscow morning, I probably won't be able to hop on tonight, but I'll be around tomorrow.
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[ viewing | January 12th, 2009 ]
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