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[11 Jan 2009|12:19am]
Seeing as I have quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment, I'm looking for maybe one or two more lines. Something from the HP fandom would be absolutely lovely, but a darker PB line would also be most welcome.
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[11 Jan 2009|01:42am]
would anyone be interested in a PSL against a brittany murphy? celeb or pb.
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[11 Jan 2009|08:33pm]
Storyline for [info]real_life

Someone based in the UK for a love interest line, as for the celeb I'm open to ideas but have a few of my own.
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[11 Jan 2009|10:37pm]
I know I'm a bit behind the ball here but would anyone be interested in a PSL loosely based on The Coven with a steven strait PB?  I'd love to play him and i'm not a stickler when it comes to details being exact to the movie.
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[ viewing | January 11th, 2009 ]
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