Let me bring you love from the field:
poppies red and roses filled with summer rain.
To heal the wound and still the pain
that threatens again and again
as you drag down every lover's lane.
Life's long celebration's here.
I'll toast you all in penny cheer.
(Jethro Tull - Songs from the wood)

Tales from the Wood:
•What is this about?• •A Most Important Element in Water• •Exorcism• •Arachne• •Climate Change• •The Vibrator, the Witch and the Painting• •Drabbles• •Master of Deception, My Own Snape Backstory• •Gen Stories• •Tags•
History of Magic
Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:54 pm A Just Reward and other drabbles

This is a combination of 100 word drabbles, written for [info]snape100. It is, basically, HG/SS although her name sometimes isn't mentioned.

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.

A big Thank You goes to my beta-reader and brit-picker, Melusin, who is always encouraging, helpful, and thorough. These drabbles were written for different challenges at the snape100 community.


"Onwards, good lady. I shall find my goal, or else shall perish bravely in the charge!”

"Dear sir. Chocolates? How you tempt me!"

Severus blinked, blushed violently and stared. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:26 pm Anywhere the Wind Blows

Hermione gets a Valentine present, but has no idea who sent it.

Disclaimer:Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.
As always, my heartfelt Thank You to Maggie and Melusin for making my stories readable and helping me navigate the punctuation maze. You are the best!
This was written for the ‘Amortentia and Chocolate’ challenge on the livejourna community ‘romancingwizard’. The prompts were: a canon wizard, a canon witch, a potion, a sweet, February, a picture prompt.

Hermione Granger stared out of the window of a rented room above the Leaky Cauldron. She had left Godric's Hollow to Harry, Ron, and their girlfriends that evening for them to spend some time together. The war was in its fourth year now, and Harry and his friends weren't any closer to finding the last two Horcruxes than they had been a year ago.

Today was February 14th, Valentine's Day. Hermione sighed. Ever since her break-up with Ron two years ago, she had banned romance from her life. She had no time for it, and yet, there was this secret yearning, this nagging certainty that there was someone waiting for her; someone she dreamt about, but whose face she could never remember when she woke up. Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:23 pm Stuck - Chapter 2

The same disclaimers as in Chapter 1 apply. Thank you to my beta-reader, Maggie, for always being so supportive.

The kiss was long and sweet. When they finally broke apart, Snape started to trail small kisses from her chin to her ear. He stopped when he felt her pulse beating wildly against his lips.

"My, my, aren't we excited?" Read more... )
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Mar. 27th, 2008 @ 06:21 pm Stuck - Chapter 1

When Voldemort falls, Snape and Hermione find themselves in an unusual situation.

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Just borrowed. Will be returned. Snape is welcome to stay, though.
A big Thank You goes to my beta, Maggie, who is always encouraging, helpful, and thorough!
This was written in response to the 'An Evening with Severus Snape' 500 words drabble challenge on the lj community 'Romancing the Wizard'. The prompt was: In the end, it had been easy, far easier than he'd expected.

In the end, it had been easy, far easier than he'd expected. Voldemort had walked into the carefully constructed trap, and everything had gone according to plan. Almost everything...

Severus Snape woke up in the dark, lying on his back. Something soft and warm lay on top of him, making it difficult to breathe. He started to push at whatever it was while searching for his wand.

"Ouch!" Read more... )
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Mar. 19th, 2008 @ 01:50 pm Drabbles

This is a wild mixture of 100-word and longer drabbles. They are all SS/HG, although some may only be implied SS/HG.Read more... )
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