Dec. 21st, 2010 @ 11:07 am Ten Years
This was written for celebrate_sshg on livejournal.

Title:Ten Years
Author: [info]sylvanawood
Rating: Mature
(Highlight to View) Contains: audio files, mild smut.
Word Count: ~3100
Prompt: It was written without prompt, but this one fits anyway: When so much water has passed under the bridge, can friends become lovers?
Summary: Two close friends celebrate a tenth anniversary dinner. Could it lead to more?

Author's Note: My gratitude, as always, goes to Melusin who is a dream beta and very skilled at nudging the muse.
Full credit will be given at the end of the story.
Try to refresh the page a few times if things don't work the first time. Please have patience, once everything is loaded, it should work just fine. I tried this out with several browsers on Windows XP and Mac. It should work with firefox, Safari and ie.
As an alternative, you could also read and listen here:, but the site has made updates and the flash embeds don't work any more. Until I figured out how to get the sound embedded again, try the files here or download them.

If all else fails, you can download the files here: and listen to them offline. In any case, the spoken text can be read in the transcripts.

Ten Years )
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