Sunday, November 17th, 2019


[She's enjoying her day off, she throws a batch of cookies in the oven before her boyfriend? He is her boyfriend... kind of. They never talked about labels, but she knows they date exclusively and that they aren't sleeping with anyone else. Also they've been going on dates nonstop for weeks. She makes some icing then sets up the dessert sandwiches and snacks on one of them while she breads the chicken that was marinating. Chicken and waffles for the apartment tonight.

The crew comes in just as it's all finished and she steals Oz away so they can sit and chat on her bed while they eat. It's hard to get privacy here, but she makes do. After the pleasantries "how was your day" etc, she jumps into the deep conversations they've been going at. Honest emotional secret type questions that they both hold in and bury every day in order to keep on functioning. She knows she's figured out a way to explain the events at the club without breaking the NDAs, she's just going to leave out names and times.]

So what's your family like? Are you guys doing Thanksgiving?
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Tuesday, November 12th, 2019


[She goes back to work with a new determination. Everyone misses the people who were taken. It's devastating when she thinks about it, but she needs to focus on what she still has before they go. She lost so much, but if her luck is right, everyone meant to come back will be back. She still has the rest of the kids besides Peter, she lost Skye, Corinne, Faith, and Tony but she still has the rest of her friends. Alfie, Oz, Ike, Pepper, Evie, and a handful of others who stuck around. She goes by Stark and drops off Skye's work during her break then goes back to Alfie's office and puts in the rest of the work he was meant to do. She isn't his shoulder to cry on, not like she used to be, things are different now. Gwen's his rock, but she'll still help ease his load if she can and right now she can.

When she gets back to the apartment she helps out around the place with things that aren't her responsibility because she can and it's helpful, then she makes her rounds to the people she cares about. The kids, Evie, the patrol team, then she's back home and ready to go on her date with Oz. This one she planned a quiet walk through the art district and a picnic on the beach after it closes so they can talk about important things like his prison stay. She gets dressed in her nice outfit and does her makeup then goes to meet Oz at the club after his shift so they can get going]

Hey, I hope you're ready to get your mind blown by an awesome date.
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Tuesday, November 5th, 2019


Narrative, Spoz )
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Friday, November 1st, 2019

Video - No Mortie

Has anyone seen Steve? Or Natasha?
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Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

Party at the Shelley's right now. Catered, open bar, DJ, let's get crazy, you crazy slackers.

I'm throwing a party at ours tonight. Mind putting off your regularly scheduled book club til next week? Or take it to Sharon's? Perhaps? Thanks, Lover.
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Thursday, October 24th, 2019


[She reaches out during her break, she didn't see him before she left for work today.]
Hey. How's your day so far?
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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Narrative or Apartment Spam

[First day back in the apartment, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't feel different this time. This time she's unbruised. She wasn't coming back to Tony this time either, last time it ended he gave her the suit. She was sent away right after the Kylo thing, thinking back makes her lose her breath. She remembers the pain of him going through her head, the suffocation, being bound to that bed alongside Skye, watching the trust leak out of Evan. It takes her a moment to remember where she is. She's here now, that's ancient history and she's safe. She didn't take the cheese cozy this time, she didn't need it. Her link to the real world was Oz and his ridiculous character. She feels a wave of emptiness that quickly sinks into a very real heavy depressed feeling that weighs her down, a feeling she knows how to shake off. She's pretty sure it's gone.

She's cleaning her makeup off in the bathroom and then gets the urge to lock the door, which she does. She cries for about 10 minutes in the shower and comes back out feeling like herself again. She sees Oz on the couch and she notices how his eyes seek her out the instant she's out. She knows she should be glad, and she is, but she also suddenly fears that she's not going to be enough for him which she quickly tries to bury back down deep. She feels hypocritical in this moment. All these years she's been trying to get these men to open up to her and she never told them about her own insecurities or thoughts or fears. In her defense, they don't ask, but still... she's not sure what she'd say if they did.

She helps Skye make dinner since someone just wrote "CANDY" in the spot of their name. She feels like she's living with a bunch of children. Candy for dinner, picture that. They make a casserole, it's nothing fancy but everyone's thankful for it. She stays back to wash dishes even though it isn't her turn to distract herself from this feeling.]
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Wednesday, October 16th, 2019


[She went to check on the kids at the group home today. The little ones were there playing happily. Cox and Lesley apparently both had homes, they were at the home just helping out. Sweet kids. They're not there today, they're at home. She smiles to herself, happy for them. They deserved nice homes. Mortie's not there when she comes either, he's doing community service. She just passes along a message that she hopes he's doing well and that if he ever needs anything that he'll know where to find her. That kid's going to do some great things one day.

She feels like a weight is lifted knowing that another handful of kids is safe from harm in a town that neglects and abuses so many people. They deserve it. She wonders if it's crazy to want to adopt all of them after only knowing them a week. She really does, though. She can't support them... but one day she'll come back and adopt a few kids, take them out of this system. When she gets her life in order. Maybe after her degree, maybe she'll have a partner by then too. Now all of those kids have her number so they can contact her if they want to talk. She thinks about volunteering in the meantime, but her schedule can't support it. As if reading her mind, she gets a call from the office asking about something that was supposed to be due next week that they need by tomorrow. Back to the office for her. At least they're in good hands]
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Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

Narrative or Apartment Spam

[Today at work, Alfie's dad made an impressed face when he saw the work on his desk before the deadline. She knows he'd never say it out loud, but she can tell he's proud of Alfie and that he doesn't hate her anymore either. She heads out to go to the library and finish up her homework for the week, then goes to check on all the kids, then goes home to do her chores and try to call Happy about the key cards to which he responds the same way he does every time with an "I'll pass the message along." She grumbles, she's not sure why they even need keys anyway. They don't live here and in an emergency, they could all easily bust the door open.

Someone made hot mush tonight and it looks disgusting so she makes a quinoa bowl with avocado and tomato which she eats plopped down on the couch. She makes a note to herself to check on the kids from the orphanage on her sticky pad as she eats and then settles in to watch the movie that Alfie and her parents watched without her when she was at school this past weekend while Merc and Kitty practice a double act on the pole]
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Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Narrative or Apartment Spam

[She walks up to the door and knocks, she's been here a bunch of times, but never sober so she never remembers if she got the right door or not. When someone opens the door she leans against the doorframe and wonders to herself if she got the wrong place.]
Hi, is... [What was his name again? Chris? Oliver? Kai? Something along those lines. She snaps her fingers trying to remember the name of the guy that asked her to stop by sometime] bartender here?
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Texts to Tony

>> Thanks again for the scholarship :)
>> I need the keycards back for the apartment from all 3 of you
>> New rule, no Avengers in the apartment... sorry, blame Cap.
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Saturday, October 12th, 2019


[She's pretty happy to be coming home to see him again after she comes home from work today. They've all lost so much these past few weeks but it put everything in perspective. Tony found the kids in tact and brought them to a safe place where the police weren't involved. That's one less thing to worry about. Tony's also helping her pay for college, which is just so amazing. She's going to start this weekend to keep on doing her psychology degree. Plus at work she gets to stay with Alfie, she does end up picking up a lot of his slack, but she gets to hang out with her best friend every day which is fine. Plus, the pay is pretty substantial.

She picks up some butter on her way home so she can make some decent icing. She was horrified when she woke up this morning and saw Oz snacking on icing straight from the jar with a spoon. She's making it her personal mission to introduce him to foods that aren't full of a million and one preservatives. Sure, buttercream icing isn't healthy in any situation, but real ingredients make it easier to digest at least. Maybe she'll make a banana bread. He eats too much sugar for sure, but she can't really judge him since she had ice cream after lunch every day this week.

When she finally gets inside she gets to work then knocks on his bedroom door holding two spoons. One with the cheap icing from this morning, the other with the buttercream she just made.]

Okay, I know you're married to that disgusting jar icing, but taste this and tell me in all honesty which one's better.
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Thursday, October 10th, 2019


I need your help. The kids ran away, the kids from the orphanage. And during the doubling, no less. The streets are so crowded, I can't find them.

[The population of the locals has doubled, more than making up for the amount of deaths]
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Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Spam for Apartment

[She's annoyed with the Avengers. She gets it's not her decision to "pull the plug" or not on this late term aborted fungus on life support, but she doesn't get how they don't understand this is a baby too. She touches her own belly, maybe she's projecting... she doesn't regret not having Mason's baby, but she always wanted kids and it still makes her sad to think that she never let her baby have a chance. She's in a bad mood. A really bad mood.

She comes in and it's dinner time on her night. She grabs the flour and starts whipping up a batch of pancakes, it's going to be brinner (a Stepford term for "Breakfast for Dinner). As she whips the batter she notices the new couch. She grumbles, she needs to get them to return their keys ASAP. New rule, no Avengers in the Apartment. They've broken 2 couches now and a door.

She turns on a song and starts pumping them out, pancake after pancake until there's a pretty sizeable stack which she sets on the table and gets back to the stove to make another batch.]
Come get dinner. [She calls out to her roommates as she starts up making the second batch]
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Sunday, October 6th, 2019

Apartment Spam

[He's finished with his rescue efforts. Status reports from the different teams showed that they went through all the fallen buildings in town. There are some people still missing, but they've taken all of the wounded to the hospital and all of the dead to the cemetery. He feels guilty for the interaction he had with Skye, she wasn't to blame for this. She's just a weak defenseless local. He walks up the flights of stairs with flowers for her to apologize for his behavior. Next stop, he'll visit Padme. He uses his keycard to get in and hands the flowers to Skye.]
Hey, what's happened wasn't your fault. I'm not trying to take it out on anyone.
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Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Evan + Micah

[She just went to go visit the kids but when she knocked on the door, Cap answered and slammed the door in her face. She really doesn't like him. She filters to them as she walks off the property.]
Hey, I came by to check on you guys. How are you doing?

He sent the kids to that school. [She's so mad that he's doing this on top of everything else that she's already coping with.]

[ETA: Fury]
Hi, my name is Lorraine Hart and I have a few questions for you. Do you have a minute?
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Friday, October 4th, 2019

Avengers* and friends

[Everyone left after Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Evan, Micah, and Wanda have been recruited.]
I just got word that Captain America quit the team and formed a new one without us. Just thought you guys could use a heads up in case you didn't know.
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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

House Spam

[She's been up all night crying in her parent's room about the twins. It's just too much. She doesn't know anyone who wasn't directly affected by these killings, but she's glad it's finally over. Her parents both go out after breakfast to go help the rescue efforts around town. She has one task to focus on today, helping the kids find their way home. She pours them each some hot cocoa and goes up to Mortie because he seems like the oldest, or at least the one who's assumed the leader position.]
The roads seem safer today, we should check in with your social workers to make sure they know you guys are safe.

[Tony, Skye, Evie, Alfie; Separately]
Hey, are you okay?

[Junior Avengers]
Hey, are you all doing okay?
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Tuesday, October 1st, 2019


[She's been in the house helping her parents take care of the kids for the past two days. There are so many kids, so many beds to make, so many meals to prepare, so many dishes to wash, so many baths to set, and trying to share a single bathroom with 3 adults and 8 children is difficult. Still over the course of the two days Shania, Jenny, Mortie, Lesley, Allen, Lisa, Danny, and Brian have all tried their best to "pull their weight." They're eager and willing to help with chores and the teens are pretty happy to help with the younger ones. They don't have electricity today still but she's heard the thuds and explosions around town all day and she knows they've heard it too. She just tries her best to keep her little make-shift orphanage safe and happy until the streets are safe enough for them to find the places they belong. They're much easier to take care of than the Avengers were, but in their defense, they know they weren't kidnapped.

By day 2 they already formed a routine for mealtimes, bathtimes, and bedtime. She's up late picking up the toys that her mom fished out of the attic for the younger ones to play with. They're all asleep now, or at least they should be. They didn't have enough beds so they laid out all the blankets and pillows they owned on the floor of her old room and in Jake's old room, one for the boys and one for the girls. The wind beats against the plastic bags that they put up where the windows used to be; it's a wonder that the kids didn't get hurt from the blast or the fallen glass. When the place is straightened out again, she sits on the kitchen counter and checks her phone which has been on a low battery all day to see if Evan's written anything yet to find that he's stopped writing hours ago... that's not like him. She takes out her tablet and filters to the Avengers, then realizes that she hadn't thought of Tony at all today. She hopes he's okay too, but, it's different. She doesn't want him like that anymore... she just... doesn't. It feels like it did with Alfie, like a deep caring friendship, but she wouldn't ever kiss him or sleep with him again. Their moment passed and it was good that it happened because she got another best friend]

Hey guys, has anyone heard from Evan?
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Sunday, September 29th, 2019

Good Morning Stepford,

Breaking News! Sam Falcon of the Avengers showed up this morning and immediately began cleaning up the streets [Clip of fake!Sam's killing spree], murdering local thugs and vagrants alike. A local gunman returned fire, injuring the beloved Dr. Corinne Carson, thus putting an end to the justice on the North end of town before Bucktanon Barnolby Binkle began demolishing the buildings downtown. [Clip of fake!Bucky's killing spree]

The official statement is that the Avengers won't rest until every last local is massacred. [Clip of Steve disarming the people shooting at Sam followed by a clip of Carol bulldozing into a burning building]

In other news, Mackenzie Pembroke's new line of lipsticks have just sold out but are available on backorder. The next stock should come out in about a month so get in your orders quick before the limited edition liquid lipsticks sell out again.

That's all from your Gossip Girl, Penny Pendolson. This has been the Insider Scoop.
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