Sunday, November 17th, 2019


Honestly, I don't know why I expected them to stick around. They're probably all home now and they probably don't even remember us.
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Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Stop! Thief! Abracadoggie! [He waves his wand at a teen running out of a bagel shop with stolen tips and they turn into a dog.]
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Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Ma + Pops

[Recently it's felt weird calling Tony "Tony" or Cordy "Cordy." It just feels wrong. They feed her, clothe her, make sure she's okay when she's upset, they met her boyfriend... it just seems rude to call them by their first names. So she's jokingly making a nickname for them]
I have good news.
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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

House Spam

[She's been up all night crying in her parent's room about the twins. It's just too much. She doesn't know anyone who wasn't directly affected by these killings, but she's glad it's finally over. Her parents both go out after breakfast to go help the rescue efforts around town. She has one task to focus on today, helping the kids find their way home. She pours them each some hot cocoa and goes up to Mortie because he seems like the oldest, or at least the one who's assumed the leader position.]
The roads seem safer today, we should check in with your social workers to make sure they know you guys are safe.

[Tony, Skye, Evie, Alfie; Separately]
Hey, are you okay?

[Junior Avengers]
Hey, are you all doing okay?
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Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Live TV

[Finishes planting bombs all over Stepford's subway system.]
Five minutes to detonation. Change my mind.

Ant-Man, out.
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Saturday, September 28th, 2019

Texts to Cap; Accidentally OTA

[Continued from earlier.]

>> This girl kissed me once and it was really nice
>> Before she started stabbing me

>> I killed her too but not on purpose

>> Do you think that's why I can't get a girlfriend?
>> Not that I'm looking for one but I figure I'm probably at least like
>> 20 or 21 real years old so I should get one?

>> Also I should get a license and also I think I want to try wine
>> Cap

>> Do you think I can make a living thing? Like a baby?
>> My mom used to talk alot about babies

>> Do you think my dad ever loved my mom?
>> I have good memories of us all together and then I donb
>> don't*

>> Last night I had a dream Peter and Phase were making out and me and
>> Suzie
>> Were holding hand
>> holding hands*
>> And cheering them on

>> Weird dream
>> Do you have weird dreams?

>> I bet Bucky must because he has that freaky arm
>> Does that thing ever get rusty?
>> If you had a metal anything what would it be?

>> Mine would be a smile
>> And my superhero name could be metal mouth

>> PPS
>> PSS*
>> *PMS

>> LOL
>> PS
>> I think I'm allergic to my new lotion
>> I have a rash on my
>> well you know

>> Cap
>> Do you think that new cannibal guy is a new version of you?
>> Can't imagine you eating babies
>> Cap
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Friday, September 27th, 2019

[For Stepford's Viewing Pleasure.]
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[Everyone from their verse plus Junior Avengers.]
I heard the new laws against food segregation were passed. About time. So that's repo men and bad food down, what's next?
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[A car pulls up to her while she walks along the road. The rear window comes down.]
Harmony Sosa?
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

[Fury told him to think about it. To consider whether or not he's ready to let more people get hurt because he hasn't found control yet or if he's going to step up and do something to stop it. He hasn't been able to sleep well since their encounter. Fury told him to reflect on what it means to be a hero and decide if that's what he wanted to be.

He does want to be a hero so badly. He sends out a text to his friends but it goes OTA as a network post.]

I can like -- delete things now. That's a new thing I can do. Wanna see?

[Storm clouds gather over Stepford.]
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Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

Breaking News

Stepford rejoices as Marlena Foxx, the mastermind behind an intricate human trafficking has been sentenced to death by stoning. Her unwilling associates, Madeline Duncan and fiancé Beatrice Beasley have also been sentenced to six months in prison for their alleged role in Foxx's crime ring. The beautiful couple will luckily still continue with their wedding plans on time and be granted a small two month honeymoon vacation as well as front row seats to Foxx's execution before returning to Stepford's newest luxury prison resort on Mako Island for what remains of their sentence.

The good news doesn't end there. Laurel Stewart, Daniella Jones, and Marie Broderick are all expecting beautiful bundles of joy to add to the prestigious Carson (and Stewart) family line. From everyone here in Stepford, we send our congratulations.

Mason Reed has been spotted holding hands with new flame Kristen Stewart this weekend. Sources say the two are talking seriously about moving on to the next stage in their relationship. Could there be wedding bells in the near future? Stay tuned into the story as it unfolds and find out.

In other news: Peter Parker got an A on his physics exam and is a pretty cool guy according to local consensus. Great job, Peter Parker.

This has been Sami Bahar with the Special Report.
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Tuesday, September 17th, 2019


[Junior Avengers, Kay, Metronome, Groot, Willow]
Operation fake food takes off tonight. [She says, hoping to get them on board with this very very vague introduction to her idea]
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Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

Avengers + JR Avengers + Avenger Friends

Check in. Kid, how's work going?
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Saturday, September 7th, 2019

Calpurnia Carson called the cops on me while I was leaving the grocery store. Called me an "evil Asian" and accused me of stealing.
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Team Stark

Everyone say hi to Happy. He's here now. If for some reason you can't reach me? Call Happy. He'll relay the message.
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Friday, September 6th, 2019

Junior Avengers

Guys, I found out the guy who's taking Viktor's place in the V drug ring. He's making a drop by the docks during homeroom. I think if we all go down together we can take it out before first period. Are you guys in?
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Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

Crew Guys; Redirected OTA

[He's sitting next to Alfie on a "lunch date" or so they told Alfie's father. Crew for this purpose includes Cap and Tony and all the others who quit before] Okay, so we needed to redo it because there are more people now. Merc, Gert, Dolores, Candy, Winnie, Kitty, Skye, Seph, Lo, Pearl, and D, and for guys we have Axel, Dime, Eli, Alfie, Q, Nicky, Tony, Cap, me, Ike, Mondo, and Nando. That's 23 people to choose from in the ultimate FMK. Take 2. Who's going first.
(118 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019


[She actually went to school today. Actually did her homework. And this evil teacher is being such a dick to her]
I'm not going back to this stupid pre-calc class if the teacher doesn't stop calling me by my slave name. I told her 10 times my name is Phase and she says Harmony every time. I'm giving it my best shot, but honestly, honestly, honestly? If she says it again I'm going to stick her in her chair.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

Junior Avengers + Cap; No Suzie since she's not on the team

School attendance is mandatory to be on the team. I don't need to say this, right? I feel like I shouldn't need to tell a team of superheroes in training not to skip school.

So why am I getting calls from school about poor attendance? I'm going to put it simply and I know Cap's going to back me up on this. If you skip school, you're off the team. Period.
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Saturday, August 24th, 2019


[She puts her bookbag back on after crime-fighting after school with Chaos and heads out to the containment center. She turns invisible as she goes. Weird thing to see on video, but he's probably used to it]
Are you still coming to visit Thanos?

[Junior Avengers]
Evan, you should make yourself armor.

Okay, so I went to school. I still hate it. What about if I do 50% attendance?

[She appears in his room and plops down on the floor pulling out two bags of doritoes]
Hey, I'm Phase.
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