Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

Junior Avengers + Cap; No Suzie since she's not on the team

School attendance is mandatory to be on the team. I don't need to say this, right? I feel like I shouldn't need to tell a team of superheroes in training not to skip school.

So why am I getting calls from school about poor attendance? I'm going to put it simply and I know Cap's going to back me up on this. If you skip school, you're off the team. Period.
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Saturday, August 24th, 2019


[She puts her bookbag back on after crime-fighting after school with Chaos and heads out to the containment center. She turns invisible as she goes. Weird thing to see on video, but he's probably used to it]
Are you still coming to visit Thanos?

[Junior Avengers]
Evan, you should make yourself armor.

Okay, so I went to school. I still hate it. What about if I do 50% attendance?

[She appears in his room and plops down on the floor pulling out two bags of doritoes]
Hey, I'm Phase.
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Tuesday, August 20th, 2019

School age kids + Teens

Is it just me, or is it weird that school starts here for the year on a Thursday? [AKA tomorrow.]

[Tower Spam -Open to Multiples]

He'd woken from a nightmare gasping for breath. Another second stuck in it and he probably would have been screaming himself awake. It's not surprising, really, given the events of the last couple weeks. It just isn't something he's had dreams about in awhile now. More recently his nightmares had been about Uncle Ben dying, about being buried under rubble, and this dream had incorporated a lot of stressful events all into one which wasn't pleasant, to say the least.

He thinks the dread of going to school in a new place factors in, too, since the entire dream had been set in a school he didn't recognize.

Whatever the exact reasons, he's awake now. And after trying unsuccessfully for over an hour to go back to sleep, he makes his way out of his room in the tower, wearing a shirt that's two sizes too big and a pair of flannel pajama pants. He's not hungry, he's not thirsty...he's not anything, really, even though he finds himself in the huge communal kitchen. He actually contemplates going back to his room, tugging on his Spider-Man suit and going out to see if there's any trouble outside.

Instead, for the moment, he finds himself leaning against the kitchen island, drumming his fingers, lost in thought.
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Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

Narrative + Network Post

What about the world today? What about the place that we call home? We've never been so many...And we've never been so alone. )

[Network Post, Filtered Against Bad Guys]

[Hours later, locked safely in his room at Stark Tower, Peter looks rattled and he is. He's actually trying to hide how shaken he is, but his face is paler than usual.]

Everyone gets a second chance when they come here, right? That's a rule?
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Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Avengers Showdown

[Action Spam in comments]
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Captain America; OTA

Word going around is you and I are having an issue. You got something on your mind, Son?
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2019

Junior Avengers

So -- Mr. Stark is sending us to Disney for a week. We've got less than an hour to get packed. Who's in?
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Friday, August 2nd, 2019

Junior Avengers

I need all of you guys here on deck at Stark Tower. There's -- a problem.
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Sunday, July 28th, 2019

So... I guess I tried to kill everyone. It was an accident and I'm sorry.
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[The volcano, ash, snow, and floods all disappear. There's still lava on some streets.]
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Saturday, July 27th, 2019


[As Bucky packs the minivan, Steve goes to talk to Evan. He takes a seat on the kid's bed]
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Friday, July 26th, 2019

[Blizzard time. 8ft of snow]
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Wednesday, July 24th, 2019

[A tornado breaks out during the funeral tbh.]
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My dad's funeral is today... if anyone wants to come.
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Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Avengers + Friends

[Minus Junior Avengers]
Did anyone seem to notice the volcano that popped up in the middle of town?

[Bruce comes over to Cap's place and comes to Evan's room, knocking on his door]
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[An active volcano seemingly appears in the center of town over night.]
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Sunday, July 21st, 2019


[Cap knocks on the door of the guest room Evan's staying in. Time to tell a kid that his father was murdered.]
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Thursday, July 18th, 2019


Met your kid last night.


You all right?


Evan just told me I remind him of his dad so I'm pretty sure that means I have to stop talking to people.

Heard you did a number on the kid's dad.
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Friday, July 19th, 2019

Is there no justice in this town? Captain America came into my house and forced me to sign legal documents. He inflicted injuries so bad, I had to be hospitalized. Then I was visited by Iron Man, flown out of my hospital bed, and dangled from a 80 story building. Where is the justice? Why is nobody holding these super powered bullies accountable?
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Thursday, July 18th, 2019


[He's already decided he's not going back to his room at Tony's place until his shiner's all the way gone. His eye's swollen shut so it'll probably take a week. They usually took about that long. At least the bruising around his neck is faint enough for most people not to notice it. There aren't a lot of places to sulk in Cap's cabin so he slips outside and pulls his hoodie up over his head when he sees Cap's mentally unstable friend, Bucky. He unintentionally stares creepily at the man. Bucky's like his dad, he mentally asserts. Had a rough life and have some damage now because of it.]
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