March 31st, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]spirit_echoes

Working with a Haunted Ring....*reposted*

As I said and a couple of people confirmed this for me, the pendant has nothing in it. Apparently items said to hold a "Jinn" are all the currently rage on Ebay. They are a scam and my friend fell for it. *shakes head* So have lots of people as they sell and sell.

Now the ring. Ok, he got it from someone who claims to be a Priestess. She also claims the stone in the ring is about 35 years old and has been reset. I doubt that. Old items like that have a history that normally I can pick up on. Not only is the center worthless, but the setting is no jeweller setting. It looks like a nice counter ring you would buy over by the handbags and hair accessories, earrings, etc in say a store like JC Penny's or Khol's. It's nice and probaly cost about $20. However it's not 35 years old. It is said to hold a Fey. Not very likely since I've never met this person nor have I spoken to her nor do I know much about her except that few facts that I have been told. Already I have found some untruths to this.

The ring is however a prison for spirits. The spell that was with it "draws as much paranormal energy as the item can hold". Sure does, I guess. There are approximately 6 spirits trapped within the ring, all male. A 7th spirit was a little boy about 10 years old. I did release him to the light. The others I have been in communication with on a limited basis. With so many in one item, I'm being careful until I learned more. The is no longer intrusive. There is a spirit in there that is michevious and I think tried to scare or bother us, but it didn't. It's a very weak spirit, one that lies, and stays now in the background sulking like a spoiled brat. It won't talk. That's ok, I have no wish to communicate with it anyhow. It's no stronger than a schoolyard bully. I'm not sure it's even strong enough to communicate after being kept in salt for a few hours. gets kind of graphic )

[info]chimerawinds in [info]spirit_echoes

Came into possession of a paranormal object (repost from LJ)

Heheh..Ok, bad pun. But really. One of the students at the college I work at is a learner in the arts of Hermetic Magick (High Magick) and was given this object by someone. He knew it contained a spirit as the woman who gave it to him also gave him the spell to awaken the spirit in the object and told him she did the spell. The object is a simple inexpensive department store ring so I had doubts. Neither CM or I are stupid enough to perfom a conjuring spell on a paranormal entity we know nothing about. *le sigh* There's a sucker born every day, right? Well, since I *am* quite interested in things of a paranormal nature and have dealt with such things before, CM gave me the ring since he had no use for it. Right now it's in time out buried in salt. I'll explain in a minute. With it, another item was given to me. A pendant that is said to hold a Jin. Yeah. On that one, I think he got taken. I feel nothing in that object. However the pendant is quite lovely and I think I'll cleanse it for him (just in case there actually *is* something attached to it and though I doubt the story on that one, one can never be too careful). lengthy post )