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Jul. 18th, 2009


Going back to the haunted cafe

Cornerstop Cafe is indeed haunted. I could the presence of the General right when I walked in. We didn't stay long so I hope to be able to go back this week sometime. On Sundays they are closed however so no going tomorrow. I'm going to try some other places though. :)

Jul. 17th, 2009


Going to the haunted cafe tonight.

It was closed on Sunday which I didn't know. So I'm going tonight. Will post my impressions tonight!

Jul. 12th, 2009


Going to a haunted cafe for a little while this afternoon

The Corner Stop Cafe in downtown Lawrenceville is said to be haunted by a civil war general. Reports of being touched, evps, and stuff mysteriously moving on their have occured. I'd like to speak the owner/manager and see about doing an investigation.

Jul. 6th, 2009


Had an unusual dream

had a dream the Ghost Aventures Team got 3 new members and I was one of them. Weird. More to it coming later.

Nov. 27th, 2008


HEy everyone

I know. I've been a stranger. :) I just have to tell you about a dream I had. It was the other morning. I was in the civil war. I could feel the grass crunch under my feet. It was in December about 1862. I was trying to load a gun w/ gunpowder with numb hands because my gloves were lost. I kept thinking if I pour too much the gun would backfire on me and probaly kill me. I remember being deaf from being too close to the cannons. I remember the name St. Germaine.

I did a search the next day and the hair stood up on my neck. There was a Private St. Germaine in 10th Tennessee Infantry. They came very close to the area I live in now on the retreat through Atlanta back to Tennessee. Wow.

Anyway, thoughts anyone? I think my subconscious mind picked up on an 'echo' of the event as recorded in electromagnetic field of the area. What do you all think?

Nov. 6th, 2008


Just a quick note

We are walking again as Team "Shiny Pearls" in the next Memory Walk in the Fall. I am currently organizing dates we can go caroling in my community in Jasper, Ga. and in Cumming, Ga. near Pilgrim Mill Rd. I am trying to get donations of supplies to provide sleigh bells decorated with purple ribbons to sell to those who wish to carol with us for $1.00 (all money goes to the Alzheimer's Association) and we will be giving out bells to all who donate as we sing at the various houses. If you are interested in "Ringing in the Memories" with us just comment here. Chimerawinds is part of our team and as we have met my personal team requirement we are always looking for more team members so please comment if you would like to join us. I can direct anyone to our donation page as needed if you would be interested in an on-line donation. If you just know someone who has lived with or died from Alzheimer's comment with the name and will put it on our banner for walk day. I hope to have a very large banner.

Oct. 10th, 2008


Most Haunted Live event

Watching Web cams on most haunted's live show. :) lots of coffee, Elora's at home in bed, Hubby's at home watching a baseball game (go BoSox!) but i'm here at mom in law's house watching webcams on the most haunted forum for the first time.

I'm loving this! Pizza for dinner, some vanilla ice cream with cinnamon and raisins and now coffee and ghostly stuff. Whooot! I'm up until 3am though in a little while I'll go back home. Don't want to be on the road too late. :)

Next live show will be a slumber party at my house!

Oct. 9th, 2008


House Reading

We did our first house reading last night and had great success. I was so excited. I had someone on the other side come through for communication and one of 3 spirits actively communicated and gave me some information the couple had not before shared with DH. Needless to say the skeptical husband we did the reading for wants us to come back for more and is excited to learn more about his ghosts one of which was very accomidating with moving things for us and turning on the radio downstairs for me. I gave some advice on laying down ground rules to make one of the ghosts a little more respectful of their space. She has friends who want me to come and do readings and I will come back for a personal reading for our client. I made a donation to the Memory Walk and told our client she can totally give out my e-mail address. Business is looking good. I told her to tell her friends I charge moderate prices for readings and discounts on parties so I may actually be able some money away for our equipment and llc and insurance. I'm so excited. I had dreams all week about the reading going well but I was still nervouse until I got into it. It was great!

Sep. 8th, 2008


new tool?

I heard about a neat new investigational tool that is probably mega expensive but is really neat. You know how when you record EVP responses it is hit or miss on whether your equipment was strong enough to pick up a voice or not and you don't know until you go back to analyze it? Well, (I can't remember what it is called, damn) this device which is about the size of your hand records the EVP and processes it into a numerical code which translates into a word. It then vocalizes the word so you here it as it was said. I have heard good reports about it's accuracy and would love love love to use one just once.

Aug. 18th, 2008


Something Wicked This Way Comes?

I had an experience yesterday at home and I so wish I had handy my tape recorder for an EVP. I called my husband's cell phone so I could leave a message in order to save the time and date for investigative purposes. I need to get some equipment as soon as I can afford it as it seems my new home will be a great place to investigate.

Yesterday as I put Elora down for a nap, I was walking down the hall towards the living room. I was nearly at the stairs when from below (Ryan would have come in from the basement after parking in the gararge had it been later in the afternoon) I distinctly heard his voice say my name. There is a special way he says my name in order to catch my attention when I'm busy. It was just that way. Very clear. Clear enough to catch me off guard and say his name by way of a greeting. Then it immediately occured to me that Ryan still had a couple of hours of work left. It was early in the afternoon between 1:30pm and 2pm I'd say. I have the specific time in my notes at home.

I then felt the presence of someone right behind me when I called Kinkerbelle (right after calling hubby). I called her so I could share the experience and it helped to hear a voice that wasn't from beyond, ya know? Anyway, excited I wanted to launch an EVP session while the iron was apparently hot so to speak but low and behold, my tape recorder wasn't to be found as we're still unpacking. *frown*

I need a digital recorder. *sigh* I need an EMF meter. And laser temp reader. Also, not sure where my spirit board is at the moment though I have an idea. I'll post more as stuff happens!

Aug. 6th, 2008


Ok, have a few minutes to catch up

I took my dear friend who is moving to AZ to Oakland yesterday as I'm on vacation from work and the rest of the family went to Six Flags. We not only had a wonderful time but we had some occurances as well. All the occurances happened in the area of the cemetery that I've never felt welcome in, the Confederate Burial Grounds.

Well, I had been snapping pictures since we got there but when I tried to take my first photo there, my camera turned off and rewound the film. I was close to the end but I still about 4 shots left before I had to change rolls. (I don't have a digital camera folks, sorry.) I loaded the film myself so I know I loaded it in such a way as to get the maximum pictures taken per roll. There is also nothing wrong with the camera. It's nearly new. Several times, I took photos careful to have the flash off because it was bright and sunny out but the flash would go off in a few of the shots. I was also careful to keep the camera lense clean.

Once we left that area of the cemetery, my camera acted normally again. Cant wait to show the pictures. want to catalog them and get them ready for formal viewing. I'm thinking of having a formal viewing party at my house in October.

Just for fun, I'm signing up for the 5K "Run Like Hell" that Oakland hosts every year. :)

Jul. 20th, 2008


Hey everyone!

Sorry I've been such a stranger! I hope to get the internet back on at home right as soon as we're settled in the new house. We move in about 10 days! So excited!

Anyhow, for the local folks: Who wants to take the walking tour of Haunted Roswell or Lawrenceville? I'm thinking on Friday night? Either this week or next?

Comment and let me know. (Georgia folks...but I highly encourage you to do a search and see what haunted tours are in your area!)

Jun. 19th, 2008


New Home

Dear Husband, Elora, and I will be renting a home for a friend and will most likely purchase the home in a year or so. It's in Lawrenceville, GA just outside of the town of Lawrenceville. I'm so very excited! It's Haunted! Well, the house really isn't. It's more the area although the house gets a lot of activity in passing. I'll have to cleanse the house and set up barriers to keep activity at the minimum. OH! I'm so very excited! I hope to post pictures very soon!

The area is active as it is very old (one of the oldest cities in North GA) and there is a funeral home nearby. So I suspect the neighborhood gets lots of activity. *wink* Can't wait to move in. In about 6 weeks to 8 weeks we'll be moving in!

Jun. 11th, 2008


The veil

I was asked to share my view of the veil. Now again bear in mind that I do not study theology am not an expert on the bible or spirituality just my uneducated opionion but here it is:

A long time ago back in the days of Noah and later Moses and so forth...There were mystics, dreamers, spiritualists, and so forth and God really began (according to the Bible) to make his presence known. Mankind was almost considered by God to be in it's infancy. God was very strict in how the Jews were to live, worship, what have you and was just as strict to deal with transgressions even though God gave them many chances instead of wiping out the whole race. Much as how we are with our babies. As they begin to crawl and walk and run we are very strict on what they are allowed to eat and do to protect them. We don't always sit and explain ourselves as they would not understand everything. Moses had the 10 Commandments for instance but no bible. As mankind becomes "older" God gave us Jesus to help us to understand Him. Jesus gave us new teachings that were very different from what the Jews were used to believing. Jesus explained more. In essence mankind was growing up and allowed more "liberties". Again instead of just punishing our children we begin to explain why we do things a certain way and they are allowed "off the apron strings" so to speak. We also learn more. Now we have scriptures and a bible.

Recently, we are finding lost scriptures so we have even more information. I believe mankind is reaching "alduthood". In some ways are coming full circle as more and more people are looking beyond what our wordly eyes can see. We begin to perceive spirits and to listen to our dreams more. As we become spiritually "older" the veil is becoming thinner. There will come a time when the veil will shatter completely and I believe this is the real message of Revelations. Heaven and Earth will literally become one, vibrating on the same frequency.

Now this is simply how I've been thinking of what I've learned. I'm not saying I'm right. Just food for thought.


general info.

I had posted some things in another asylum that I asked to post here as well. It is a general gnostic christian belief based on some recent findings of scriptures that I heard of recently in Sunday School at church. It actually confirmed something something I always knew to be true but never understood why I knew. (Very generally "gnostics" believe in reading the scriptures and listening to your first or "gut impression" of what you believe the scripture means. They feel that this is how God communicates to you through the Holy Spirit. That is pretty much all I know of gnoticts so if anyone is a gnostic christian I would love to know more. Sylvia Browne is gnositic christian.) Anyway, according to the gnostics (and I have held this belief for many years) heaven is right here on earth. It is seperated by "the veil". Our spiritual eyes catch glimpses of it now and then. I also believe gnostics do not believe in hell(now I may be wrong about this) but I have also believed that hell is something of our own design and not God's. For instance Hell is very real to those who believe in it. Now please bear in mind that I'm not claiming to be right about any of this and I do not want to step on any ones theological toes.

Spirits are souls that have crossed over to heaven and live with God, Jesus, and all of the angels. The Akashic records are there and so forth. Anyway to make a long story short our spirit guides are spirits that have lived at least one incarnation on earth and together we chose to go through this life together. They have the ability to bi-locate. They must always stay with us but can literally be in two places at once and maybe more. They can be helping us and at the same time be attending lectures or concerts or speaking to God on our behalf by way of "masters" on a "council".

Ghosts are spirits that became confused at the time of their death and did not find their way into heaven because they either did not realize they are dead, were afraid of going to hell or for whatever reason chose to stay. Because of this most ghosts are confused which is why they can sometimes "act out". In my personal opinion I feel ghosts need reassurance in order to find where they need to go because they will be happier home where they belong. They can't advance otherwise. To keep them here is like trapping a wild animal. Set them free.

Anyway just having spirits isn't a true haunting as heaven is literally here and we see spirits all of the time. When you have a trapped ghost you have a haunting.

Jun. 7th, 2008


Waleska Case

I'm calling my "client" next Sunday to do initial interview and get a feel for the spirit. Yes, for now I'm classifying it as a spirit rather than an actual haunting.


Hey, [info]ferrellcat!

You very recently posted some thoughts and views about the veil being at it's thinnest and sometime soon will shatter all together....

You also posted some things I didn't know on spirit companions.

Could you please repost here and elaborate on where you got the information? I'd like to research it myself.


Jun. 5th, 2008



I'm investigating a possible haunting in Waleska at this woman's residence. I have posted in detail in pychic_spirits.

May. 31st, 2008


Something wicked happened at my Tupperware party last night. :)

Posting about a Tupperware Party? Here? I haven't lost my marbles yet. The Tupperware sales lady was asking aobut my white sage that I keep on our altar and she sat something on the altar. I politely asked her to please be careful and not use the altar to put things on as it was a religious altar. She understand and respected it. However almost immediately after the incident, I had given her a glass of water and she had set it on the window cill when suddenly the glass vibrated and exploded! Water all over the floor! We cleaned up the glass and she mopped up the water with a kitchen towel. It took us all by surprise (leaving one of our kitties puffed out for quite some time...heheh).
My husband and I gave each other knowing looks. This lady had never been in the apartment before and I think one of spirit guides was playing a wee trick. *wink* I'm actually really sorry it happened before Mel and [info]iruka_yuywell got there! They would have really enjoyed the spectacle. LOL

May. 24th, 2008


Meant to post this last night

Got a message finally back from Draiga about the objects that I sent her. She's been really busy and hasn't had much time to spend with them. She reports a incident or two in which things have turned up missing, but admits that it is most likely her own absentmindedness.

She wants to set up for some EVPs very soon. She hasn't been able to contact any of the spirits in the ring as of yet as they are being very quiet. For some reason that typically happens at her place. She's been successful with EVPs in the past though. Some of the team members of Haxan Paranormal have examined each item however and all report activity in both items! So I might have been wrong about the pendant after all. Can't wait to post more as I get information from Draiga.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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