Jan. 8th, 2009


A New Move . PG13

Fandom: LOTRPS. Dom/Orlando
Words: 1089
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]zarah5 as part of [info]slashababy on LJ.
Author's Notes #2: Fixed a slang error in which I used knackered for drunk. I switched knackered for pissed.
Summary: Dom finds Orlando and himself in 'compromising postitions'.

Orlando flipped on his CD player and rolled his neck back, )


Somedays More Than Others . PG13

Fandom: LOTRPS. Dom/Orlando
Words: 450
Disclaimer: The pretties aren’t mine, I just love to play.
Notes: Written in Dom's POV.
Summary: It's the little things between Dom and Orlando

I watched him as he wrapped some of his final scenes, )


Love's Waiting . PG

Fandom: LOTRPS. Dom/Elijah
Words: 224
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Summary: Just the two of them, in bed.

My eyes open and I smile, )


Motions . R

Fandom: LOTRPS. Orlando/Viggo, Orlando/Karl, Orlando/Craig
Words: 782
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Summary: On the dance floor.

I watched him dancing on the floor, )


Steam Shadows . R

Fandom: LOTRPS. Orlando/Craig
Words: 240
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Notes: Many thanks to Ida whose story ‘Feelin Love’ at OEAM was a great inspiration for this!
Summary: In the shower.

I watched him from the door, )