Jan. 8th, 2009


By Another's Hand . NC17

Fandom: LOTR. Aragorn/Legolas
Words: 1241
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Feedback: Would love!
Author's Notes: This is for Jas Masson who was my giftee for the A/L Ficathon! Hope you like!
Summary: Aragorn has had no moment of peace for himself and Legolas aims to remedy that.

A peace radiated over the Golden Hall this night, )


Musing on Myself . PG

Fandom: LOTR. Erestor/Glorfindel
Words: 301
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Summary: Erestor muses about himself and his lover reassures.

I sat at the vanity, )


Exposed . PG

Fandom: LOTR. Elrond/Glorfindel
Words: 1073
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Summary: Elrond grows lonely from the years alone after Celebrian sailed.

I slipped away from the gathering, )