February 2014

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September 5th, 2012

[info]streetsofgotham in [info]sog_ooc

Update! Meme Expansion and New NPC!

Hey folks!

I wanted to give it a few days for everyone to have a chance to participate, but now I'd like to extend the Volunteer option for the meme. Feel free to volunteer for another person's Offer! The volunteering won't be worth more points, but the posts you make FROM it will still be worth more! So feel free to jump into another background connection, and reap the awesome rewards from it!

Also, there's still plenty of time for this meme (all of September!), so don't think it's ever too late to add a new Offer in if you've yet to participate!

In other news, meet Marcus Driver, a new feature NPC we decided to add for those of you who want a good cop nearby. We're hoping to see some players pick up cops, but in the meantime we have this fellow to assist:

Marcus is a detective in Gotham City's Major Crimes Unit, the last detective recruited to the department by Commissioner Gordon before his retirement. A trusted 'old dog', he always does things by the book and has a strong sense of right and wrong.

Also, so everyone's on the same page, the current 'week' ends Midnight EST on 9/8. For future reference, in activity periods that are 15 days long, the first week will always be 8 days, the second 7.

