September 11th, 2012

[info]shadowofthebat in [info]sog_ic

The Edge of Honor

Who: Nightwing and Creote
NPCs: Gio "Nine Volt" Acerbi
Where: Channel Park, Uptown Gotham City
When: September 10, the twilight hours before dawn.
What: Nightwing tears a path through the Gotham underworld, looking for the man who attacked Liz Raleigh.
Rating: PG-13+ for violence.
Status: Complete.

This man was going to kill him. )

[info]lizzyraleigh in [info]sog_ic

The Aftermath, The Recovery

Who: Elizabeth Raleigh, Dick Grayson
NPCs: Wayne Manor staff
Where: Wayne Manor
When: September 12, 2012
What: After being released from the hospital, Lizzy recovers from her injuries in the safety of Wayne Manor, while Dick tries to conceal his double life from her.
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

Her vanity would be her downfall )

[info]inallofhistory in [info]sog_ic

Who: Creote, Nightwing
NPCs: Gio Acerbi
Where: The Narrows / Wherever Nightwing is.
When: September 12, 2012
What: Courtesy
Rating: PG-13 for discussion of Violence

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