August 29th, 2012

[info]penguin3 in [info]sog_ic

Gone Goose

Who: Louis Oswald
NPCs: The Actuary, Clara the Airport Worker
Where: Cibao International Airport, Santiago, Dominican Republic
When: August 15, 2012 (backdated)
What: Oz once again is forced to change his travel plans...
Rating: R for language (again), ogling

Mr. Oswald gets diverted... )

[info]penguin3 in [info]sog_ic

The Early Bird

Who: Louis Oswald and Tim Drake
NPCs: -
Where: Gotham International Airport
When: Saturday, August 25, 2012
What: Oz returns to Gotham
Rating: PG (so far, mild bird-on-bird violence)

Mr. Oswald finds an unwelcome welcome )

[info]lizzyraleigh in [info]sog_ic

Static Over the Line

Who: Lizzy Raleigh and Dick Grayson
NPCs: Ted - Dick's secretry, Wayne Enterprises Operator
Where: Their respective offices
When: Wednesday, August 29
What: Lizzy is having her people call Dick's people...
Rating: PG

Wayne Enterprises, how may I direct your call? )