The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - November 4th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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November 4th, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: October 28-November 4, 2007 [Nov. 4th, 2007|08:59 am]


Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Snupin Prophet on IJ.

Fan Art:
Come to Bed, by kirasha. Mildly NWS.

Happy Halloween, by skitty_kat.

The night was young, by socialblunder4u. Gore.

A Pair of Schoolboys, by skitty_kat.

A Spectre Unexpected: part 2, by skitty_kat.

Tasty Werewolf Brains, by zephre.

Untitled, by fanlay. NWS.

Various sketches, by skitty_kat. NWS.

Wolfskin Rug, by skitty_kat.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
The Afterlife, by ranchangrnl.

Bump in the Night, by countess_hp. Rated R.

Ever-sweet Autumn, by nimrod_9. Mentions mpreg.

Flashing Pumpkins, by nimrod_9. Rated R.

Like Talking to the Wall, by alwaysasnapefan. With art.

Passing the Time, by zephyr_macabee.

Samhain, by mnemosyne_1.

Trick or Treat at the Centre, by blpaintchart. Rated R.

Untitled, by mnemosyne_1.

Untitled, by peppery_lime.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
After All, by nimrod_9. Rated NC17.

Blue Moon, by mnemosyne_1.

Lore, by Cedar.

Outdoor, by ave_ebony.

Parlor Trick, by McKay.

Snapshot Snape, by cloudsdriftby. Rated K+.

Fanfiction (complete):
Between Hope and Remembranceby Arionrhod and McKay. Rated R. Content: past Lupin/Tonks, first time.
Summary: After the war, Remus and Severus - two unlikely survivors - must rebuild their lives against overwhelming odds with the Ministry and Severus' own memory throwing obstacles in their way. Oh, and there's the little matter of Sirius' ghost...

A Bit of Light Reading, by alwaysasnapefan. Rated PG.
Summary: Remus is a pervert. Remus likes romance novels. Snape is intrigued.

Intelligent Defense, by merrycat. Rated PG13.

A Halloween Costume, by myene_01. Rated PG. Content: Severus/Remus/OMC.

Life Among the Dead, by innerslytherin. Rated PG13. Content: references to Remus/Tonks.
Summary: Remus reaches out his hand and is pulled back into life - by his son, working on behalf of someone who has missed Remus dearly....

Life Goes On, by ebonlock. Rated PG. Content: Beetlejuice crossover.
Summary: I chose the "Ghost Snape" prompt and had this big, tragic, angsty plot all worked out in my head but it never quite translated onto the page. Nearly gave up until a new plot bunny bit good and hard. When in doubt I returned to my roots and went with comedy instead. A light hearted look at Severus in the afterlife, definite crossover with the film Beetlejuice, so it'll make much more sense if you've seen the film.

Midnight Errand, by irena_candy. Rated G.
Summary: Hermione brings Snape and Lupin back from the dead.

I Swear By the Moon, by Alcarcalime Losse. Rated K+. Content: AR.
Summary: What if... Remus and Severus had been together at the time of the Shrieking Shack incident in their fifth year?

Snape's Dilemmas, by Mr. Spock. Rated T.
Summary: During the final battle against Voldemort Snape becomes badly injured. Can Lupin bring him back to life?

Fanfiction (WIP):
All's Fair In Love After War: part 3, by alwaysasnapefan. Rated T.
Summary: NonDH compliant. Postwar Remus and postwar Snape start seeing more of each other.

Follow Me: chapter 77, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Honor: chapters 69-70, by morganlefay1958 and calanor. Rated NC17. Content: mpreg, abuse, violence.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

A Matter of Death: part 10, parts 11 & 12 (complete), by darklyromantic. Rated PG13.
Summary: Crossover with "Sabriel" by Garth Nix. Knowledge of Sabriel isn't necessary though. I hope.

Of Padraigs, Werewolves, and Incubi: chapter 16, by Ange Noir. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg, non-con, self harm, violence, incest, under 18.
Summary: War is approaching over Harry's sixteenth summer, and when he disappears from his relatives house, rumors spread. Severus is charged with keep an ear out on the Death Eater side, but why isn't he told to do something more? What is Remus Lupin to Severus? How does Draco fit into all of this? And just what does it mean when young people start inheriting powers based off of magical creatures and finding soul-mates?

Redemption: part 33, by innerslytherin. Rated R overall.
Summary: After Voldemort's defeat, Remus--crippled in his last battle--and Severus--pardoned but a pariah--manage to forge a connection, despite the expectations of the world around them.

See What?: chapters 29-31, by Lil_Nezumi. Rated M. Content: Harry/Draco.
Summary: H/D creature fic. Sixth year ends and some things are discovered during that summer, just what is a Draekon, what is the Founders Law and how does all of that affect Harry? Where does Dudley fit into all of this?

We Fight For This: chapters 1-2, Jolie71. Rated T. Content: AR, mpreg.
Summary: Begins Xmas before Harry's first year. Severus and Remus are married and have a family. This will be a retelling of JKRs books with a different set up at the beginning.

Darklyromantic has created some RL/SS icons.

Taigne has created a RL/SS music video.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #129: Halloween quote.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Challenge #44: Being Thankful.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #169: Bitter's End.

Recs and Reviews:
Sneguochka_lee has some Halloween-themed recs, including RL/SS.

Dizilla has a report on RL/SS material found at Yaoi Con.

McKay has written the Snupin Santa diaries, part 6.

Search Round-Up:
Owleyes_arisen is looking for werewolf!Snape stories.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

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