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The Snupin Prophet

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July 1st, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: June 24-July 1, 2007 [Jul. 1st, 2007|10:53 am]



Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Fan Art:
Beautiful Night, by [info]mayflo.

Memory of Joy, by [info]ships_harry.

Pull Harder, by [info]_noesumeragi_. NWS, cross-dressing.

Something Sweet, by [info]waywardmuffin.

The Sudden Calm, by [info]kainoliero. NWS, torture, bondage, blood.

Two drawbles, by [info]neodandiesrule. Mildly NWS.

Untitled, by [info]chazpure. NWS.

Where Is He?, by [info]alexajohnson.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Farewell, by [info]blpaintchart.

Four drabbles, by [info]scribbulus_ink.

Handle It, by [info]blpaintchart.

Healthy Breakfast, by [info]alisanne.

How would you feel, Potter?, by [info]blpaintchart.

Later, by [info]westernredcedar. Adult.

Lunch at Wimbledon, by [info]ellid.

No Sex Please, We're British, by [info]ellid. Adult.

Peaches vs. Strawberries, by [info]nimrod_9.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, by [info]ellid.

Scintillating Strawberries 'n Cream, by [info]ellid.

Severus Hates You, Edition #4 , by [info]oirowin.

Surprised, are you?, by [info]blpaintchart.

The Sweetest Thing, by [info]anne_bonny4. Adult, spanking.

A Tradition, by [info]blpaintchart. Adult.

Too Many Marks, by [info]westernredcedar.

Whether You Believe It or Not, by [info]severity_softly.

Window Shopping, by [info]nimrod_9.

You Promised, by [info]westernredcedar. Adult.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
After, by [info]ilostmynuts. Adult, Remus/Tonks, Severus/Narcissa.

Bait and Switch, by [info]wolfiefics. Adult, dark fic, character death, cannibalism.

In Grammatick Alley, by [info]celandineb. Adult.

Penance, by [info]mnemosyne_1. Self-harm.

Refuge, by [info]ships_harry. Adult.

Substitutions, by [info]werewolf_lib. Adult.

Fanfiction (complete):
40 Drops, by [info]rufus. Rated R. Content: violence and mature themes.

All the King's Men, by [info]maraudersaffair. Rated R. Content: dark fic.
Summary: Dumbledore will always be a good man to the people who know him best -- but his actions ruin their lives. Is it right to sacrifice human lives for a greater good?

Apocalypse Please: part 1, part 2, part 3, by [info]carentan. Rated NC17. Content: Voldemort/Ginny, Draco/Ginny, rape.
Summary: Voldemort is determined to produce an heir, Severus is determined to stop him...

Benedictus Proprium, by [info]parseltonguepen. Rated R. Content: character death, violence, torture.
Summary: Harry wanted to kill Snape, but Voldemort got to Snape first; now Harry is stuck at his deathbed, and learns a few things he never knew....and never wanted to know.

Bent, by [info]alestrel. Rated 15.

Cracking the Whip, by [info]blpaintchart. Rated R.

El Lado Oscuro de la Luna, by [info]j_folked. Rated R. Content: Harry/Draco, violence.

Freedom to Be, by [info]pplumm. Rated adult. Content: Severus/Remus/Harry, threesome, biting, licking, finger play.
Summary: The war is over and Severus has his much wanted freedom at last. So why isn't he happy?

Lord Voldemort, in the Conservatory, with the Candlestick, by [info]thescarletwoman. Rated PG13.
Summary: Four Gryffindors. Three Slytherins. Lord Voldemort. One house and two murders.

Magical Blueberries Blues, by [info]nimrod_9. Rated NC17. Content: wanking, frottage.
Summary: Severus eats Magical blueberries.

Of Death, by [info]marauderswolf. Rated R. Content: character deaths mentioned (not Snape or Lupin), alcohol-drinking and thoughts of suicide.
Summary: There is one dark night each month for Remus, bringing the darkest of thoughts with it. Set post-HBP.

Retribution, by [info]valis2. Rated R. Content: dark fic, character deaths (mostly offscreen, not the main characters), angst, violence.
Summary: Prompt: Answer violence with violence. If one of us falls today, five of them must fall tomorrow. – Eva Peron.

Soul Forge, by [info]chrome_animagus. Rated NC17. Content: see post for warnings.
Summary: It all begins in fifth year potions class. Everything after that leaves its mark on Remus.

Substitutions: Door #2, by [info]werewolf_lib. Rated Adult. Content: Remus/other, voyeurism.
Summary: Sometimes, only another can make things right with the one you love.

The Sum of All Parts, by [info]missusbatty. Rated PG. Content: Harry/Luna, Neville/Hermione.
Summary: After the war, Severus Snape is shunned by much of the wizarding world, and permanent injuries leave him unable to run his potions shop alone. Enter a desperate Remus Lupin. Meanwhile, Neville is searching for a cure for his parents, while Luna might just be the most sane one of the bunch. Paths intersect as people start to move on in the months after the war.

The Trap, by shadowycat. Rated T.
Summary: When Lupin doesn’t return from a night in the forest under the full moon, Snape is sent to find him, and he’s not happy about it at all. Set between GoF and HBP.

Unchained, by [info]alestrel. Rated adult. Content: very dark themes.

Unpredicted, by [info]florahart. Rated teen. Content: violence.

What's New, Pussycat?, by [info]arionrhod. Rated R. Content: Pseudozoophilia.
Summary: Remus likes it when Severus purrs.

We Could Be Heroes, by [info]kirasha. Rated R. Content: violence, character death.
Summary: When the choice was the world or his heart, Severus lost either way.

Fanfiction (WIP):
All Because They Tried to Kill Me: chapters 1-4, by SeveruSeprentine. Rated T.
Summary: After James saves Severus from being killed by Remus-wolf, Severus, far from being freaked out and only nettling the Gryffindor more, goes to talk to him. A rather comical romance (and mayhem) ensues. Sixth Year.

Blood of Nemesis: part 1, by [info]rossana. Rated R. Content: Harry/Ginny, Charlie/Tonks, disturbing dream imagery.
Summary: Ten years after the end of the Second Voldemort War, someone is trying to kill the Boy Who Lived. Can Remus and Severus figure it out before it’s too late? Or does Severus know more than he’s saying?

Bound Souls: part 6, by [info]innerslytherin. Rated R. Content: character death, battle.
Summary: Fantasy Fest Prompt 37 -- In order to save Lupin during the last war, Snape must do some really DARK Dark Arts. I want conflict--neither of them is happy about it--but a happy ending.

Chasing the Sun and Moon: part 4, by [info]senjism. Rated NC17. Content: violence, drug refereces.
Summary: Prompt: 7 -- S has to deal with Werewolves, either one time or often, around the Full Moon. He is bitten either by Fenrir or R in their wolf form, and becomes a Werewolf, too. For whatever reason, S moves in with Fenrir's Werewolf pack. R helps S, who is in denial.

A Chaos of Deep Passion: part 6, by [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink. Rated R. Content: dark fic, angst, violence, attempted suicide, character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: The war is over, but the problems for the Wizarding World have just begun. Lupin must call upon Snape to help identify and neutralize this new threat, but he finds Snape a broken man. Can he help rebuild Snape's shattered life in time and save the Wizarding world anew, or are they all doomed to fall?

Follow Me: chapters 48-49, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Follow Me: This Way Lies Madness: chapter 7, by KateL. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, bdsm, non-con, character death, voyeurism.
Summary: A story that spans from the very end of Harry's 5th year, behind the scenes look at 6th year following HBP as closely as possible. Concluding with 7th year in independent study and the Final Battle. Lots of twists and turns, intrigue, discoveries, withheld information, and personal growth.

For the Pleasure of Severus Snape: part 7-12 (complete), by [info]moonlightnrain. Rated R. Content: whips, hot wax, tattoos.
Summary: A smitten and drunk Remus stumbles into an unusual arrangement with our dear Potions Master, giving Snape the upper hand. Where will he lead Lupin now that he's holding the proverbial leash?

Honor: chapters 50-53, by morganlefay1958 and calanor. Rated G-NC17. Content: AU, mpreg, violence.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Reconstruction of a Death Eater: chapter 22, by Les Dowich. Rated PG15.
Summary: The war is on, Voldemort is back, Dumbledore is dead and the Light is growing dim. What seems bad is good and evil hides in unexpected places. Nothing is exactly as it presents itself and time is running out.

Sanctus: part 5, by [info]skree_ratling. Rated NC17. Content: AU; blood; werewolf cliches; historical improbabilities.

Into the Night: part 1, by [info]oirowin. Rated PG13. Content: dark fic.
Summary: this is kind of an introduction to the real plot. it hints at what's going on but 'part 2' really deals more with what this night held for our favorite Master and Wolf.

Something Special: part 16, by [info]lordhellebore. Rated R.
Summary: Having resumed his spying on the Dark Lord, Severus begins to crack. Remus notices, but will he find out the reason, and can he do anything? How does Lucius fit in? And will Severus be able to help Remus over Sirius's death?

Vicious Moon: part 69, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

[info]lupin_snape has a discussion and poll on top & bottom preferences.

[info]lupin_snape is hosting OotP Candid Captions #2.

[info]snupin100 has issued Challenge #111: Strawberries and Cream.

[info]pervy_werewolf has issued Challenge #43: A Spanking, A Spanking.

[info]sectus_snupin is a meet-up community for those attending Sectus.

Search Round-up:
[info]osmalic has a fic search here.

[info]leah1878 has a fic search here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.

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