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The Snupin Prophet

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May 20th, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: May 13-20, 2007 [May. 20th, 2007|10:55 pm]



Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Drabbles/Ficlets (1000 words or less):
Death by Lasagne, by [info]geek6.

Eating Out, by [info]alisanne.

In Madam Malkin's, by [info]ellid.

I Touch Myself, by [info]leoninedragon. Adult.

A Lecture about Tonks, by [info]westernredcedar.

Melt, by [info]schemingreader. Adult.

Mothering Sunday in Bed, by [info]ellid. Mpreg.

Salesman, by [info]ellid.

Taking Leaves of Their Senses, by [info]_lore. Snape/Lupin/Whomping Willow, adult.

Fan Art:
Losing the Mark, by [info]undunoops. NWS.

Fanfiction (complete):
Keep Moving, by [info]marauderswolf. Rated PG13.
Summary: When the world you know shatters, all you can do is pick up the pieces and keep moving.

The Trouble with Love, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: Snape/Harry, Snape/Lupin/Harry, threesomes, double penetration, toys, mild restriction, dirty talk.
Summary: Severus has decided to take matters into his hands when it comes down to his unfulfilled desires, what he doesn't know is that he's not the one in charge.

Fanfiction (WIP):
24 (A Day in the Life of a War-hero Werewolf): parts 14-20, by [info]snapelike. Rated NC17. Content: see posts.
Summary: A story in which Severus Snape learns not to speak or make bets when drunk, Remus Lupin is taught one or two practical things he didn't know before and the rest of the Order is educated in how it is a very imprudent idea to think that they, even united, can beat Severus Snape on a turf on which he has had the opportunity to practise.

Bound Souls: part 5, by [info]innerslytherin. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Fantasy Fest Prompt 37 -- In order to save Lupin during the last war, Snape must do some really DARK Dark Arts.

Chasing the Sun and Moon: part 3, by [info]the_senjou. Rated NC17. Content: violence.
Summary: Prompt: 7 -- S has to deal with Werewolves, either one time or often, around the Full Moon. He is bitten either by Fenrir or R in their wolf form, and becomes a Werewolf, too. For whatever reason, S moves in with Fenrir's Werewolf pack. R helps S, who is in denial.

Follow Me: chapter 35, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Gothic Nude: part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, by [info]skree_ratling. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Harry, Severus/Remus/Harry, Severus/Draco, see posts for kinks.

Honor: chapters 47-48, by morganlefay1958 and calanor. Rated G-NC17. Content: AU, mpreg, violence.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

The Many Lives of Snupin: parts 7-10, by [info]rossana. Rated NC17. Content: see posts for kinks.
Summary: A potions accident sends Lupin and Snape through their past lives.

Quills and Quest: parts 13-19, by [info]lunalelle. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Severus/Tom Riddle, previous Lupin/Fenrir, see posts for kinks.
Summary: They thought Voldemort was dead, but as Harry destroyed the last of the Horcruxes, he found a way to preserve the main part of his soul in one of his original Horcruxes. Once the Order finds the soul again, they are left with a question: whether or not what is left is the Dark Lord at all… and whether Snape and Lupin can have him for their own instead.

Sanctus: part 3, by [info]skree_ratling. Rated R. Content: AU, mild gore.
Summary: magical Roman AU, R as master (still werewolf) , S as slave (still good at potions or something similar).

Scars: part 15, by Geri. Rated NC17. Content: AU, OCs.
Summary: Selima Snape schemes to keep the Minister of Magic--and incidentally, the Snape family--in power.

The Serpent Charmer: part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10 (complete), by [info]thesnapelyone. Rated R. Content: DarkLord!Snape, past Remus/Tonks (implied), minor character death (not S or R), Severus/Nagini (not bestiality), implied genderfuck.
Summary: Severus doesn't just want to stop the Dark Lord... he wants to be the Dark Lord. Thanks to Nagini's love and some experimental potion making, it seems possible, but it turns out that being an evil crime lord is a lot more difficult than it seems, thanks to a scheming Headmistress, the Minister of Magic's personal agenda, incompetent cronies, and dead sexy werewolf freedom fighters.

The Silence of Silence: chapters 17-18, by Lady Bahiya. Rated MV. Content: Remus/Severus/other, Harry/Draco, AU, violence.
Summary: As the end of 6th year wound down, it saw the swift and final end of Voldemort. But because of stray Death Eaters, Harry is sent back to his mother's sister for the summer. He's not seen...ever...until an urgent message falls into the hands of a certain Potions Master.

Sticks and Stones: chapters 1-8, by bejou. Rated K.
Summary: Remus has an obsession. A raven hair obsession. And before you say anything, it is not Sirius. No, it is someone much more deadly. Or at least Remus thought so.....

Vicious Moon: part 63, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

We Need a Holiday: part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, by [info]nimrod_9. Rated NC17. Content: see posts for kinks.

[info]blue_cage has three fan art RL/SS icons here.

[info]lupin_snape is hosting the Dark Side of Snape/Lupin in June. Sign-ups are now open.

[info]snupin100 has issued Challenge #105: Shopping.

[info]snape100 has issued Challenge #178: Wikipedia.

[info]lupin100 has issued Challenge #145: The Burrow.

[info]pervy_werewolf has the weekly list of Lusty Month of May prompts.

[info]30minutefics has issued Challenge #174: the book title challenge.

Sycophant Hex is hosting the Sky Is Falling Festival. Submissions are due July 20.

Search Round-up:
[info]lee_dragon is looking for RL/SS, Good Omens cross-overs.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 0 stories and 3 pieces of art this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.

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