[info]nimrod_9 in [info]snupin100

Title: Primary Pursuit – Part 5
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #200 – Stages of Courtship
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warnings: Unbeta’d.
A/N: First kiss post Voldemort
Severus decided he was being kissed; he wasn’t surprised, but the lips felt warm, he still had his wits about him and the room smelled of Hogwarts Infirmary not Azkaban. 
“Severus?” Remus asked quietly.
Severus cracked one eye. “Lupin, what the hell are you doing?”
A grin split Remus’ face. “Poppy said you should have been awake two days ago, so I decided to try the Sleeping Beauty treatment.”
Severus snorted; it hurt. “Hogwarts is still standing, and the Dark Lord?”
“Is not.”
Severus’ eyes closed. “Potter?”
Remus sniggered.   “Winner and still champion.”
“Hopefully, it will not swell his head any further.”
“Severus!” Remus admonished.
“And the blasted snake?”
“Neville took care of Nagini.”
“Good.” Severus stretched and yawned. Remus pulled back the blankets.
“Budge over.” 
“Lupin, you can’t, I’m....no one knows… ”
“A forty year old man whose never been seen with a woman and no one knows?”
“I have never come out, so to speak.”
“Now would be a good time then.” Remus nudged Severus over onto his side and wrapped a long arm over him.
Remus pressed his face into Severus’ shoulder.
“Lupin, what have these kisses been about?”
The only answer was a soft snore.


Now would be a good time then

Although I am disappointed to hear they didn't get past kissing after part 4... ;D
They're getting there...hopefully I make the deadline!! One more and then the sex I think! They (and you) have waited long enough!! *g*
Aw, lovely :D
Thanks!! ;)
Now he asks!
I imagine he's been a bit busy and you know as bright as Severus is he can be a little thick when it comes to personal stuff!! *g* Thanks for commenting!!