[info]nimrod_9 in [info]snupin100

Title: Primary Pursuit – Part 4
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #200 – Stages of Courtship
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warnings: Unbeta’d.
A/N: First kiss post Dumbledore
Severus was startled awake; he grasped for his wand before he focused his eyes in the dim light. Remus Lupin was crouching next to an immobilized Draco.
“I’m alone, Severus.”
“Lupin, you saw what I did to the old man, do not think I would hesitate for a minute to do the same to you.” Severus snarled.
“I did see. I, however, could also smell him rotting away. All those concealment charms couldn’t keep that from my nose.”
“Are you here to bring in the traitor?” Sneered Severus.
“No, I brought you some supplies.” Remus moved slightly closer.
 “How did you find us?”
“I cast a locator spell on you as you fled Hogwarts. I activated it today. And, no, no one knows where I am. So, if I’m wrong about you..”
“You could become a werewolf rug in a moment.”
Remus had brought himself within arm’s length of Severus. “I imagine this whole scheme was Albus’ anyway.”
“Not quite.”
“Narcissa.” The word ghosted across Severus’ lips before Remus captured them in a kiss.   Severus leaned in and returned caress; he was the first to pull back.
“Draco..” Severus whispered raggedly.
“Has probably kissed more boys than either of us.”


And somewhere in the universe, Harry Potter smirks. HEE!!

love, lore
Yes, he does!! Thanks for laughing and the perfect comment!!
Hee! And aw; I love the idea that Lupin could smell Dumbledore dying.
Can I tell you how much I'm in love with this series of drabbles? In particular i love tht remus could smell albus' rot. how clever, I wonder how many scenarios we will see with tht included now? Awesome!