[info]nimrod_9 in [info]snupin100

Title: Primary Pursuit – Part 3
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #200 – Stages of Courtship
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warnings: Unbeta’d.
A/N: First kiss post POA kiss
Remus laid down his book and slipped his stocking feet to the floor. The house at Grimmauld Place had quietly announced a visitor. A darkly cloaked figure leaned heavily on the doorframe before collapsing into Remus' arms. 
"Severus!" Remus breathed.
"No need to shout, Lupin. I know who I am." Severus rasped.
"Are you all right? Why are you here?" 
Severus sagged further and Remus propelled him toward the vacated sofa. 
"No, I am not all right." Severus began to shake.
"What can I get you, Severus? I'm certain you have a wicked stash of personal potions around here somewhere."
Severus accio'd his store from underneath the teacart and Remus began to sort through the potions. 
"A muscle relaxant and an analgesic, I think."
"I can do it myself!"
"Not the way you're shaking." Remus tipped the vials into Severus' mouth. When Severus' eyelids fluttered closed, Remus lifted him carefully and took him upstairs to bed. 
"Why do you act as if care so much?" Severus asked groggily.
"Because, I do. Why do you pretend to care so little?" Remus pulled the blanket up to Severus' chin and kissed him on the forehead before he settled into the bedside chair.


Why do you pretend to care so little?

Perfect line. I just want to snuggle them both! *g*
*blushes* Thank you! They could always use a snuggle!! *g*
OMG my favourite scenario ever! Hurt/comfort at Grimmauld Place! *bounce* And what a lovely, gentle kiss this was. What a clever idea for a series! I hope there's one or two more before the deadline! *HUGS*

love, lore
Thanks for the bounce and I have a couple more..hopefully I can get them written! *hugs back*
Oh, I love this one! :D
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! ;)
Ooh-er! Well done Remus!