[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Drabble - Prompt #189 - resolution "Optimistic Fools"

Title: Optimistic Fools
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: #189 - resolution
Word count: 105
Rating: G
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns all - I make no money with this.
A/N: cross-posted at lupin100

"Severus, how lovely to see you! What brings you here?"

"I have reached some conclusions…. Lupin, I agree with you – what we have between us, this… intensity is out-of-the-ordinary. It is worth acting upon."

"Why, Severus, have you put me on your New Year's Resolution's List?"

"Nonsense," he replied, pushing himself past the half-open door, and onto Lupin.

"So if I went to your house, I wouldn't find my name upon a list?" Remus whispered against Severus's sleek hair.

"Of course not," replied Severus, resolving then and there to burn that bloody list immediately. "Only an optimistic fool would list resolutions at the New Year."


Oh very nice. I like Severus's quick thinking-'Burn the list!' Well done.
Thank you! *beams*
Severus, you fool, you... *g*
Thank you! *g*
Hee! Optimisic fool indeed ;)
Thanks for reading! *g*