[info]light_nin_bug in [info]snupin100

Title: Let's do the Time Warp
Word Count: (100) 
Rating: G
Challenge: Creatures of the Night
Characters: Remus/Severus
Authors Notes: This probably counts as crack!drabble but after I read the challenge I was flipping through TV channels and "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was playing for Halloween weekend.  In case you haven't seen this "classic" there is one song that features several characters all singing the phrase "creatures of the night".

Just playing with the characters for a bit -- no profit for me --  just entertainment.

“Creatures of the niiiight !”


“Remus – what is that absolutely appalling screeching and wailing noise?


“It’s a classic Muggle film…. I saw it for the first time the night after James and Lily told everyone they were engaged.  Some of the Muggles there had the whole film memorized and choreographed …”


“Choreography !  And you danced to this drivel ?  What a stereotypical … I suppose there were costumes as well ? “


“Of course there were costumes … See, there’s the main character, Dr. Frankenfurter“




“Black fishnets and a bustier, Severus  – just think of the possibilities …”


Love it. :)
Thanks -- it was fun to write it and revive all those old Rocky Horror memories.