[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Prompt #175 - haunted "Waiting"

Title: Waiting
Author: red_day_dawning
[info]lupin100 #214 - ghosts; [info]snupin100 #175 - haunted
Word count:
JKR owns it all - I mean no harm.

He waited.

Halloween came and went.

Midwinter passed. The longest night ended with the sun rising. He hadn't slept.  
He waited.

He prayed to gods who no longer heard him, and to gods he'd long ago stopped believing in.
He invoked the spirits of ancestors he had once cursed; he tried incantations and rituals. Nothing. 
He continued waiting.

Every day, every night, waiting. He entered his dreams, dreams of loss and longing and lingering regrets, waiting.

He would wait until the day he died. And die still hoping. Hoping that one day he would see him again.

He waited.


*sniffle* Very good.
Thank you!