[info]firefly124 in [info]snupin100

Challenge #167 - Taking Advantage

Title: Taking Advantage
Author: [info]firefly124
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: #167 - Dumbledore's Office

“Mr. Lupin, you are a Prefect,” Dumbledore said. “Really, I’d hoped for better from you.”

Remus swallowed hard.

“And you, Mr. Snape. Passing notes in class is not behavior I would have expected from you.”
Severus said nothing, as usual.

Dumbledore cocked his head. “I’ll return in a moment. I trust you two can behave for that long?”

No sooner had the door shut, than Remus saw Severus standing over him, felt his lips come crashing down on him.

When Dumbledore returned, both were in their chairs. Remus struggled not to grin.

Trust Severus to take advantage of any opportunity!


Lol! Yay, go Severus!
Thanks! *g*
Yes, true Severus to set up a situation he can take advantage of as well! *grin*
Absolutely! *g*