[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

prompt #166: cynical -- Remains, Ashes. (warning: character death)

Title: Remains, Ashes
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Prompt: #166 - cynical
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The following is based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers.
A/N: an alternate perspective to Remains
:  plural noun – 1. things remaining. 2. historical or archaeological relics. 3. a person’s body after death. From Oxford Online at  http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/orexxmains?view=uk


Like ashes in his mouth, the taste of grief, desolation, despair.  Cynical.

How could he have been the one who survived?  It made no sense.  He didn't have Severus's pragmatism, his resourcefulness, his cunning or bravery.  He wasn't the strong one, Severus was.  But there is a strength in joy, the capacity to love, laugh, smile. 

His love, silent tears – nothing but ashes remained of that love.  The capacity to feel is not the survivor's strength.  All that love, that joy, ashes in his heart.  Ashes, like the ashes that are your remains now, Severus. 

All that remains.  Ashes.  A gravestone. 


Thank you!

I don't know which one is better or worse, if that makes sense. Both are heart wrenching in their own ways. Character death is one thing, I think, that is very hard to pull off well, and you've done it here (twice even), beautifully in so few words.
Thank you. What lovely comments!
And stupidly, I'm now realizing I forgot to warn for 'character death'. Must add warning!
Thanks for your comments.
*wails* I loved seeing both sides of the coin! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!