[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

prompt #166: cynical -- Remains. (warning: character death)

Title: Remains
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Prompt: #166 - cynical
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The following is based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers.
A/N:     remains:  plural noun – 1. things remaining. 2. historical or archaeological relics. 3. a person’s body after death.  From Oxford Online at http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/orexxmains?view=uk


Salt, with wormwood and rue, the bitterest herbs, a permanent taste in his mouth now. 

Who would have thought he would be the last survivor?  Who could have expected him to outlast the Marauders?  How could he have outlived Remus?  A familiar, longed-for, imagined response: I would have expected it, Severus.  You've shown yourself to be the smartest, the most resourceful.  The bravest of us all.

He knew better.  Not intelligence, resourcefulness or bravery.  Only ill-luck and a cursed sense for survival left him here, cynical at Lupin's gravestone.


The last survivor, the one who remained.

Alone.  The remains. 


Thank you! Yes, "longed for" & "imagined" describes it. *sigh* Oh, well...

* I'll send more book recs as I keep reading - I'm reading 3 promising novels at the moment.
P.S. My lecturer last night described Judith Clarke, the author of A Whole & Perfect Day, (which I bagged in my email) as a "national treasure". Perhaps disregard my crit of that novel?