[info]osmalic in [info]snupin100

(fic) Each Generation Makes the Same Mistake

Title: Each Generation Makes the Same Mistake
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Hagrid
Characters: Remus, Hagrid (strongly hints Remus/Severus and Tom/Hagrid)

Each Generation Makes the Same Mistake

Two weeks after Dumbledore dies, Hagrid opens his door to find Remus shivering in the cold.

"I..." Remus starts, looking lost, "I mean. It's all out of control now. I believe I'm doomed."

Hagrid remembers Remus as a child, remembers watching him sit with a pale and lanky boy. Remembers them smiling as Remus points to a page of an open book. Remembers Severus Snape laughing.

He remembers Tom, who used to sit on the same ruins, showed a stupid giant child the same books.

Hagrid nods, lets his friend inside. "S'not yer fault y'loved a monster," he says gruffly.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D