[info]firefly124 in [info]snupin100


Title: Notes
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: #153 - Detention
Characters: Remus/Severus, Slughorn

“This is all your fault!”

Remus didn’t look up. Didn’t want to see the scowl he knew Severus was wearing. He scrubbed his cauldron harder.

“That’s enough. I’ve a Slug Club meeting tonight, and I won’t hold it up for a couple of boys who pass notes in class.”

As Severus passed on his way out, he hissed, “Next time, either don’t get us caught, or don’t bother.”

A smile tugged at Remus’ lips as he felt the parchment slip into his hand.

“Old Charms classroom. Third floor. One hour.”

Seemed Severus had forgiven him for getting them caught already.


Thanks. :-)