[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Snape vs Lupin - #6 - "Nothing Challenging or Difficult"

Title: Nothing Challenging or Difficult
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge: #150 – Snape vs. Lupin
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR & associated companies own the HP characters and settings.
Notes: a follow-on from As Gay as a Maypole

Severus groaned. If only he didn't feel like such a fool! Apparating away without explanation – the bloody werewolf must think he had gone mad.

Still, Severus had faced more difficult situations. Voldemort was worse than this. Much worse. This was a simple delivery of Wolfsbane to a werewolf. Quite straight-forward. A matter of Apparating to London, knocking on a door, exchanging a few words as a matter of courtesy, and leaving. Nothing challenging or difficult.

Calm and resolved, Severus picked up the flask and Apparated away.

He thought his heart might leap from his chest when the front door opened.


Aww, poor Severus. He's so endearing when he nervous. I love these. So sweet!
Thanks for the lovely comments. *g* I'm starting to worry that I just like torturing the poor guy. But it's so much fun!
Ah, poor Severus! So terrorized by his own feelings.
Yeah - I'm starting to think I'm having too much fun torturing the poor man!
Thanks for commenting.
Red Day is naughty to leave us a cliff-hanger.... now we must check journals all day...
It wasn't intentional! Thanks for commenting *g*

Hmm...wonder what happened when the door opened. We'll find out soon enough, I guess...

I'm really liking this series :)
Thank you!
(No idea what happens when he opens the door, yet. Sooner or later I;m going to stop torturing the poor character!)
Rationalization. Yes, that works..for a bit.
*snicker* Yes.

Thank you!
Heh. Nervous, Severus? *g*
Thank you! *g*