[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 150 – Snape vs. Lupin – Snape's perspective: "A Mutually Satisfying Arrangement"

Title: A Mutually Satisfying Arrangement
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge: #150 – Snape vs. Lupin
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR & associated companies own the HP characters and settings.


It was all very practical.  Fantastic sex with a surprisingly attractive lover.  Conversation, companionship, carnal pleasures – a mutually satisfying arrangement. 

There was no need for frivolous romance, or foolish declarations – no expectation this arrangement would be required to delve into murky emotional territory, where pathways lead to mire or peril, into those swamps and marshlands of the heart.

Severus had himself entirely convinced of the practicality of his decision, the pragmatic reasoning behind his choice, only to find his gaze caught in eyes the colour of amber and sweet honey, more potent than any elixir and sweeter than any draught.  


Oh, Severus caught off guard by his feelings is just so sweet. Excellent work!
Thank you! *g*
only to find his gaze caught in eyes the colour of amber and sweet honey, more potent than any elixir and sweeter than any draught.

I love that he's so surprised by this!
I suspect his emotional IQ doesn't match his intellectual IQ! *snicker*
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Lovely! Typical Snape. He wouldn't willingly recognise love until it bit his arse.
Thanks for reading and commenting! Hmm, arse-biting - now there's an idea. *g*
Aw, beautifully written.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
Oops! Severus' best laid plans... Remus doesn't even have to do anything!

Thanks for reading and commenting!

For a phenomenally intelligent man, sometimes Severus just doesn't have a clue.
I love when practical!Severus finds love!!
Despite his best efforts! Thank you!
Oooh, Severus is in trouble now. ;)
Delicious imagery, especially at the end!
Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm glad you liked it.