[info]cordeliadelayne in [info]snupin100

Challenge 149: Making Up and ...

This week's challenge is Making Up.


And an announcement. Next week it will be our 150th challenge!

Our ship has weathered many storms including murder, marriage, fatherhood and even death, but we're still here, fighting fit!

This time round our challenge will be Snape v. Lupin. What does that mean? You have to pick either Snape or Lupin and write as many drabbles about their relationship from the point of view of the character you have chosen as you can. This doesn't mean you have to write in 1st person, though that's an option, just as long as its clear that it's one character thinking, talking, musing etc about the other. Any area of their relationship is fair game from when they first met, to what they got up to last night! And don't forget, artists, that we allow drawbles too.

Comment here to let me know which character you've chosen and I'll create a master-list under a cut on this post.

There will of course be prizes for the writer of the most drabbles and the drawer of the most drawbles! They haven't arrived yet (when they do I'll post pictures) but they are Harry Potter themed.

Same rules apply as normally would for a regular challenge - if posting more than one drabble at a time put all but the first behind a cut. Remember warnings. You know the drill.

IMPORTANT: I am going to ask for this challenge only that you pick one journaling site and stick to it for the whole week. So if you plan on posting at our Livejournal please sign-up over there, and vice versa. This is only so there's no confusion when I come to tally up the results. I don't want to be adding up the same entries twice! After the challenge is closed you will be allowed to repost to the other journal.

So, sign-up here and start posting as soon as I open the challenge next Tuesday.

As always it will finish at midnight the following Tuesday, UK time.






I'll go with Snape, and finally contribute something to the comm. I've been a lurker too long.
Yay for delurking! I'll make you an author tag so you'll be set up for your first post :D
Snape and IJ for me, please!
Done :D
Remus Lupin, please and IJ. Thanks
Snape and I'll stick to IJ, thanks.
Done :D