[info]spidermoth in [info]snupin100

Title: Suspense
Author: Spidermoth
Word Count: 137 *argh!*
Rating: G
Challenge: #138 Silence
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Authors Notes: 1st fictional writing ever! Be kind!
Beta: none
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Severus stood, wand raised, and re-checked the wards on the door, with only the light of the gravid moon to aid him. Sounds of struggle and dark magic reverberated beyond his spelled barrier, causing him to consider casting another layer. It wasn’t often he doubted his ability to cast containment spells.

His breath caught at the sound of a particularly anguished howl, and “Merlin” escaped his lips with a hiss. He clutched the wall for support as an unfamiliar emotion struggled to make itself known.

Sympathy, perhaps…

Abruptly, with almost the force of a physical blow, the sounds stopped.

Blessed silence.

After what seemed an eternity, Severus stumbled forward to unward and open the door. He fought to still the trembling.

“Remus?” he whispered into the void.

The thumping of a tail was his reply.


Well, I guess you know that you can join me in the perils of delurking, hehe.

You did an excellent job with 'twisting' the end, so to speak, because your mood at the beginning seems so dark.

And that tail-thump ending is quite cute. :)
Thanks for the encourgement! De-lurking does feel a bit perilous, doesn't it?

We can make this an anniversary date next year.
That was really good, especially for your first try. Welcome to the community. You now have an author tag!

Though on a modly note, can you stick to 100 words next time? I allow about 10 words over but not really any more than that. Thanks!