[info]azure_rosa in [info]snupin100

Put Down The Frying Pan

Title: Put Down The Frying Pan
Word Count: 100 exactly, go me! :D
Rating: Pg for self-inflicted violence?
Challenge: Written for snupin100's prompt #377 Dobby
Characters: Remus/Severus and Dobby
Authors Notes: Drabble

It was late and Remus was hungry so he headed to the kitchens. There he came across Severus yelling in frustration while a house elf beat himself with a pan.

“What in the world?!”

“Lupin, maybe you can talk some sense into him, apparently I upset him!”

“What is the matter master elf?”

“Dobby is a bad elf sir, Dobby failed to have Professor Snape’s favorite treat ready for him when he arrived!”

“No one asked you to you imbecilic-”

“Severus! Calm yourself, you aren’t helping. Dobby, Severus is more than willing to wait for you to make his treat.”


Aw, poor Dobby.

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Thank you, and OOO shiny! :D