[info]maporan_gata in [info]snupin100

Remind Me of the Babe

Title: Remind Me of the Babe
Rating: G
Challenge: 332 - Goblins
Characters: Remus/Severus, Teddy
Authors Notes: Cross-over!

(Labyrinth cross-over, with Snape as the Goblin King and Lupin taking the role of *cough* Sarah. Lupin doubts his ability to be a good father one too many times.

Lupin: *protests that he didn't actually wish for the goblins to take Teddy away*
Snape: *pretends not to hear anything*)


Brilliant use of the prompt! I really like Snape's hands, especially in the second pic.
Thank you very much! :D
Very cool! You have such a wonderful imagination and I'm glad your sharing it with us.

Teddy's big eyes, Severus' hunched pose, Remus' clenched fists...all of these things really add to the overall story.

p.s. If you want to, please check out [info]hp_halloween. They have a Double-drabble fest for Halloween, and I know drawbles are welcome, too, just like here. Sign-up post for hp_halloween, if you're interested.
>///< Thank you so much for the kind (and detailed!) comment.

(And I'm not sure if I'll be able to join, but thanks for the invitation! XD)
No problem. I like showing folks they've got lots of avenues to share their imaginations. Looking forward to more of your drawbles!