[info]firefly124 in [info]snupin100

Drabble: What Matters

Title: What Matters
Author: [info]firefly_124
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Prompt #287 - children
Characters: Severus/(Remus in absentia)

Severus gazed around the vacant Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, telling himself it was mere fancy that he could feel the Dark Lord’s curse radiating from the empty desks.

Surely Lupin must hate him now, cast out of the first respectable job he’d held in decades. The icy certainty of that didn’t matter.

Let him think Severus had acted in revenge for last night.

Let the Slytherin parents think he had acted for the children, never mind that they’d lost their best Defense instructor in years.

The curse was satisfied, Lupin alive and unharmed. That was all that mattered.


That was very well done!
Oh, I love this.
Severus had to act from so many motives, didn't he? *sigh*
Well done!
He really did. *pets him* Thank you!