[info]sweetmelodykiss in [info]snupin100

King of Fruits

Title: King of Fruits
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Severus has found the perfect fruit.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters herein. All are owned by J.K.R.
Written for [info]snupin100 challenge #152: Fruit

Severus spooned the creamy custard into his mouth, savouring the nutty flavour before swallowing. He’d spent many months searching for an importer. Now that he knew where to get it, Severus made sure he always had a ready supply on hand.

Later, as Severus checked his cupboard, he made a horrifying discovery. All of his precious fruit was gone.

"Lupin," Severus shouted. "Where is my Durian?"

"I think it went bad." Remus smirked.

"Indeed." Severus replied raising his wand.

"There will be none of that, if you ever expect to get kissed again."

Severus sighed and reluctantly lowered his wand.


Remus' Slytherinesque side is so yummy!
Hehe, yes it is. Thank you!
LOL, well at least Remus knows how to 'handle' Severus, brilliant.
Indeed, he does. Thanks so much!
Poor Severus just can't win. *pets him*
Yup, he needs a hug. *g* Thank you!
When my brother came back from Thailand, he had to explain all the signs barring Durian that appeared on his pictures. So I'm all smug and in the know. Heeheehee.
Thank you!
LOL Be quicker next time, Severus. :P Great job, Melody.
*g* Yes indeed. Thank you!
W00T! *grins madly* Perfect!
Hehe, thank you!
Hee hee! Very nicely done ;D
*g* Thanks so much!