[info]sweetmelodykiss in [info]snupin100

He Never Listens

Title: He Never Listens
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: OotP: Sometimes you’re better off not knowing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters herein. All are owned by J.K.R.
Written for [info]snupin100 challenge #250: Outsiders POV

“What are they doing now?”

“Kreacher not think Master Sirius really want to know.”

“Tell me, you miserable wretch.”

“Yes, Master Sirius, Kreacher tell. Master Lupin is pulling black robes off Master Snape. Master Snape is making noises and rubbing himself against Master Lupin. Master Snape fell on bed. Master Lupin growl and rip open Master Snape’s pants. Master Snape’s legs are going up and down and up and down and Master Snape is all sweaty and Master Lupin is pushing in and…”

“Enough,” Sirius roared. “Get out!”

“Kreacher say Master Sirius not want to know. Master Sirius never listens.”


that's hilarious! serves Sirius right, Kreacher tried to warn him.
Yes he did. *g* Thank you!