[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 214 - memories - "Filing System"

Title: Filing System
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge: #214 - memories
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Warning: Character death (past; off-screen)
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP settings and characters.

He replaced the bottle on the shelf, lined correctly with the others. Filed alphabetically, on the shelf for the appropriate year. This was the year when... Severus thought.

They were all there, all accounted for; Lily, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore. Lucius. Draco. Harry Potter and his two best friends. And Lupin. Most of all, Lupin.

Memories could only drag him down, murky underdepths. Severus functioned more efficiently without them; they were without practical use. Remembering brought pain. Loss and pain. And if he filed Lupin under "L" for love, there was no-one to know or guess.


*sniffling* Evocative.
Thank you! *g*
Great use of the prompt! Emotional but in a very Snapish way. Well done.
Thank you. That's a great compliment; I appreciate it very much.
*sob* That's so beautiful and sad too.
Thanks for your kind words.
Awwwww! *snuggles Severus*
So sad. :(
Thank you for reading and commenting - snuggle Severus for me too, please.
ahhhhhh! noooo more sadness *sniffle* Must have happy drabbles!
Thanks for commenting.
My other drabble on the 'memories' prompt is happy! (And funny, or at least, I think so.) That's been my pattern lately - one happy/funny drabble, and one sad drabble per prompt. And aren't I relieved that I can write at least some happyish ones!!! So 50/50 seems an improvement!
Yes, that is good ^_^ *hugs*
Puh, this is... impressive.
It feels like there is so much not said, the whole thing feels cold, hard, and then the last sentence is like a punch in the gut (the dictionary says that's the way to say "Schlag in die Magengrube", hope that's right.^^°).
It's breathtaking. I love it.
Wow, I'm overwhelmed by the lovely things you've said. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you!

I'd say it as a "punch to the guts" not gut, but to be honest I don't know if that's slang/colloquialism or accurate.