[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 213 - "Pride"

Title: Pride
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Challenge: #213 - Pride
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Warning/s: Character Death
Disclaimer: JKR owns all HP characters & settings

Remus could have had help, packing up the house, storing those few precious reminders of a life too short. Minerva had offered, and Hermione, too. Even Harry, oddly enough.

"Don't be too proud to take help," Minerva had said, leaving the wake. "We want to help."

But Minerva was wrong - he was not proud. For what pride could he have, he who had failed to prevent the death of the man he loved? He who had failed the most important task there could be? Proud? There was no pride left in him; he thought there never would be again.


I'll just be over in the corner, sobbing. :(
Sorry to make you sob. *hugs* Here's a sexy snupin icon to cheer you up.
Sexy snupin makes everything better. *g*
Thanks. Sexy snupin icon to cheer you up, too. Btw, love your icon - what manga is it from?
That would be the sexy psycho Dr Muraki from Yami no Matsuei. The manga's by Yoko Matsushita, but my pic actually comes from the anime.
Thanks. I don't know that manga at all, but I've just found some scanlations to DL. Looks interesting!
Just heartbreaking, and so powerfully written.
Thank you!
(So nice to see you here again.)